09901366442 - 09902787224
09901366442 - 09902787224
Logistics Management
M/s Britecolor Paints Ltd. (BPL) is a manufacturer of decorative paints for households commercial
premises and industrial application.
(a) M/s. BPL had embarked on a policy of satisfying every possible customer in respect of shades,
delivery and durability. Thus it went ahead and created twenty-five depots, one almost in every major
city. The manufacturing base however, was maintained at Pune. The factory received information in
connection with stocks from depots J once in a week and there was no inter-communication between
depots. Since they were in a competitive market, price was predetermined, i.e. the manufacturer had no
liberty to price the product as per one‘s own choice.
(b) In their effort to satisfy the customer, M/s BPL manufactured every possible shade by combining
various primary shades and would await the prospective customer to carry out the purchase. It ensured
that these shades were available at
each and every depot even at the cost of transportation incurred in sending goods in less than full
truckload lots. This certainly provided a very high service level and customers who could get the shade as
per their desire, were fully satisfied.
(c) While on one hand M/s BPL had a population of very satisfied customers, they had almost 50% of
their total domestic sales lying as finish Goods inventory at various depots, on the other hand.
(d) Industrial paints, though not very customised, the respective industrial customer was quite satisfied.
Consequently, the inventory of finished goods was very low in this segment. But at the same time,
realisation was also lower due to stiff competition from other industrial paint manufacturers than the
domestic segment.
(e) Nevertheless, the economic runs of industrial paints were always assured due to high off-take by the
industrial customers.
(f) The objective of the manufacturer was to increase the realization taking into account, economic runs,
inventory, seasonality and individual choices of domestic / industrial customer.
If you are appointed as the logistics consultant, then advise M/s BPL in respect of ‗
(a) How to achieve economy in transportation, by maintaining almost same service level?
(b) Demand Forecasting technique to take care of seasonality, reduction in inventory.
(c) Information technology to substitute maintenance of high inventory without affecting customer
service level.
(d) Connectivity between factory and depots (networking Diagram)
Case 2 (10 Marks)
ABCL Ltd. is leading/ Fast Food Processing Company operating from Thane. It is involved in the fast
food business
since last 10 years and has tie up with a foreign firm operating in the same field. It handles both
Vegetable as well Non—Vegetable products for which it arranges the vegetables and chickens from the
local vegetable vendors and poultry farms as well as from far off places like Nasik, Pune and
Aurangabad. It has very good market in Mumbai, Pune and surrounding cities. The products are sold in
the brand name of ‗Nasta‘ which is very popular brand amongst the young collegians and office goers. it
has its ‗7,- most modern kitchen at New •Mumbai to cater the needs for fresh Nasta. Vegetables and
chicken items are transported from the procurement centres of Nasik, Pune, Aurangabad using hired
Trucks. While transporting vegetables and chickens there were shortages,.. damages and decomposition
problems which varies from 1Y‘lo 15% and there is inconsistency in the transit time the reliability of the
raw material transporters is very low. Packaging of the Nasta is very good and attractive but it is not long
lasting tyje. Hoever, the quality and taste are the reasons for its popularity. Nasta is sold in three different
packs — party, family and individual. The Nasta looses the taste and flavour after 8 hours, if not
preserved in refrigeration. The Nasta is distributed through 25 distribution centers including three at its
main procurement centers of Nasik Pune, and Aurangabad.. Logistics information network is not up to
the mark. ‗The procurement centers directly communicate to the operating center at Thane. Due to lack of
proper co-ordination at different distribution centers it has started creating the problems of stocks,
spoilage, pilferage and wastage of raw material as well as finished goods at certain distribution and
procurement centers. Transportation and storage problems are identified as main culprits for the heavy
losses being incurred at some centers. Holidays, festivities and college seasonably puts a lot of pressure
on the existing demand and supply situation of the Nasta resulting in losses and mismanagement. Entry
of multinationals has increased the competition and put a let of pressure on the Nasta. Managing Director
has formed a team of Senior Executive to suggest a concrete plan to fight the competition and overcome
the transport, storage and other related problems so as to increase the market share and margin.
In case you are appointed as logistic consultant to solve the problems, you are required to put forward
your suggestions for:
(a) Proper transportation policy to ensure minimum transportation loss of vegetables and poultry products
and reduction in the packaging costs.
(b) Demand Forecasting techniques to take care of the seasonality, reduction in inventory and shortage
and other related problems.
(c) Suggestion for improved Purchase and Distribution policy.
(d) Is it advisable to have company owned dedicated transport fleet?
Case 3 (10 Marks)
Mumbai four mills, provide high-quality bakery flours to commercial bakers as well as to the consumer
market. The commercial buyers have consistent demand and brand-loyalty, whereas consumers have
minimal brand-loyalty but also generally prefer known names over store brands. Demand is seasonal for
the flours with the annual break occurring just before Diwali and slacking off dramatically during
January and February. To offset these both, Mumbai Flour Mills and its major supermarket chainaccounts
carry out special deals and sales promotions.
The Production planning Dept. of the company located at Akola, Maharashtra, has the responsibility for
controlling the inventory levels at the plant warehouse at Nagpur as well as three distribution centres
located at Nasik in Maharashtra, Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh and 1-lyderabad in Andhra Pradesh.
Planning has been routinely based on past experience and history. No formal forecasting is performed.
Distribution centres get their requirements by rail from Nagpur. The lead time of replenishment from
Nagpur to distribution centres is 7 days. The replenishment rate is 48 to 54 pallets per wagon depending
upon the type of wagon used. In case of any emergency demand, eighteen pallets can be made available
by truck with a 3 days transit time.
Recently the company has experienced two major stock out for its consumer-size 5 Kg. sacks of refined
quality white flour. One of these was due to problems in milling operations, the other occurred when
marketing initiated a ―buy one, get one free‖ coupon promotion. Since these events, the planning has
become overly cautious and errs on the side having excess inventories at the distribution centres.
Additional, two other events have affected Distribution Centre‘ throughput:
(1) implementation of direct factory supply for replenishing the five largest super market chains, and (2)
a price increase making Mumbai Flour more expensivethan its national brand competitors such a
Pillsbury or ATA Maida.
Of 1500 pallets in the Hyderabad Distribution Centre the Mumbai Flour Mills shows only 396 pallets for
open orders. This has led the company to use outside overflow storage, where there are another 480
pallets. Flour is easily damaged, hence, Mumhai Flour Mills prefers to minimise handling. Over stocking
at Distribution centres alone cost Rs. 1.85/- per pallet for outside storage to which must be added Rs. 4.25
per pallet extra handling and Rs. 225 per truckload for transportation.
Similar scenarios are being played out at the other DCs as well. Mr. Mohan, the distribution manager is
contemplating various approaches to solving the inventory problem. It is clear that the product must be in
place at the time a consumer is making a decision to buy the product, but the company cannot
tolerate the overstocking situation and the stress that it is putting on facilities and cash flow. Mr. Mohan‘s
first thought is ―a better information system‖ which will provide timely and accurate information
throughout the organisation.
On the basis of above case answer the following:
(1) Evaluate the alternative solution that could be considered by Mr. Mohan.
(2) What additional solution do you propose?
(3) Examine the transportation system and its drawbacks?
Case 4 (10 Marks)
M/s Modern Garments is the manufacturers of Ladies and Gents garments like shirts, tops and
undergarments etc. The technology is advanced and there are several players with access to such latest
technologies. The supply chains for M/s Modern Garments includes significant purchases of raw
material, stitching, packaging and supply to customers. The logistics functions are the key competitive
elements in the market, M/s Modern Garments is considering to take over the control of its inbound and
out bound logistics function which affect the inventories, reduce the losses due to transit delays and
improve the response timeand service reliability. However the cost implications of such changes have to
be looked into.
The M/s Modem Garments has been a leader in the readymade shirts market in India for a number of
years. After liberalization they entered into a joint venture with a French Company to expand their
business in the field of Trousers and T-shirts. However new joint venture company M/s Modern
Garments still continues to manufacture its shirts at Thane near Mumbai and has started a new state-ofart
garment manufacturing plant at Pune in Maharashtra to compete with other market players. The
company has planned to undertake the distribution of garments made and packed in its plants at New-
Mumbai and Kalyan so as to retain the control over design, quality and service channel of the products.
After liberalization, the market has grown more matured and expectations of the customers towards the
features of the product have increased and also the technology and design has improved considerably.
Now in the market only garments with good delivery quality are acceptable. All the competitors have
equally good quality product in the market. Presently the area of logistics distribution, customer service
and satisfaction are the area of prime concern in order to have extra value addition to the product. The
product defects due to stitching, cutting and transportation are now under increasing scrutiny.
From the cost control point of view, the amount of money held up in distribution pipeline is significant.
The large variety of garments now means more raw materials to be held in stocks. Presently the incoming
supplies are arranged by the vendor firms, they may be persuaded to opt for jointly approved transporters.
Due to product variations, the order fulfillment and its processing is of considerable importance. The
traditional information system has become inadequate. There are over 500 retail outlets through which
the finished products are distributed with the help of more than 50 transporters. Lead- time variability is
creating problem of buffer stocks• with distributors. The transit time fluctuations are due to the
breakdown of trucks, improper documentation and unfair practice of over charging of the vehicles etc.
Such variability has to be reduced. Major portion of logistics cost was allocated in fleet management;
where as warehousing, raw material management and information networking have insignificant costs.
(i) Examine the possibility of alternatives in transportation of the inbound and outbound materials?
(ii) How to reduce the cost of inbound and outbound logistics functions?
(iii) What could be the major problem in exploiting the inbound and outbound logistic functions?
(iv) Is it advisable to have dedicated transport system to operate packaged materials mainly for the
(v) What arrangements have to be made to ensure the service quality for customers?
Case 5 (10 Marks)
M/s Ador Electrodes Limited (AEL) was incorporated in the year 1981 and is the second largest player in
the welding industry in India & has the widest product range amongst all its competitors. As it has
happened to a the industries, the heat of the competition coming from the International Companies,
mainly from China, started affecting to this industry too.
‗The company has four state-of-an-art manufacturing plants accredited with ISO certification & backed
by strong technical support from their foreign collaborators. The company is also having a well
established all India distribution network consisting of numbers of dealers. The products flow from the
manufacturing plants to the warehouses, managed & maintained by the company, located at different
places across the country. The dealers draw their requirements from these warehouses for onward
delivery to their customers, The inventory of the products is under the ownership of the company and is
maintained as per the anticipated demand in the region. Primary transportation from the plant to the
warehouses is the responsibility of the company, whereas the transportation from the warehouse to the
customer is the dealer‘s responsibility.
The biggest drawback in the present system is that the inventory at all warehouses is carried by the
company, blocking the huge amount of company‘s working capital. The level of average inventory they
maintain is equal to their 6 months sales requirements. Over & above, in many places where the sales are
low, the stocks remain unsold for longer periods. Moreover, because of improper maintenance of these
warehouses the stocks also get damaged I spoiled or stolen. The warehouses are managed by the
employees of the company having no ‗basic qualifications & experience in inventory and warehouse
The management of the company took a serious note of the situation and now wishes to take immediate
steps to overcome the current logistical problems to face the competitive scenario.
1. What are the company‘s present logistical problems?
2. Give your recommendations for improving the company‘s logistical performance?
Case 6 (10 Marks)
1967 M/s. Vijay Enterprise ventured into trading of electronic consumer durable targeting the large
potential market in the year 1970, the company managed to get the exclusive dealership of a leading
electronic manufacturing company in India to market their products in the Western Indiá. Later on, the
company with a view to create their own brand in the market established a plant in Maharashtra & started
their own manufacturing activities. With a manufacturing capacity under their belt, the company
increased their turnover tremendously in the next 20 years with the help of all India distribution network
consisted of 4 regional offices, 4 mother warehouses, 12 C & F agents & 75 stockists & 5000 odd retail
After the liberalisation of the Indian economy in 1991, the entire business scenario- particularly in
consumer durable industry - has undergone a drastic change. The company started experiencing the
pressure of competition from local as well as international players. It was observed that during the last 5
years sales growth has come down and the company is losing its market share slowly& steadily.
The external agency that conducted a study for the Company came out with their following observations.
1. At all levels in the company employee orientation is towards production rather than marketing
2 The cost of product distribution is the highest compared to the Industry standards
3. The warehouse space was urderutilized — the utilization factor varies between 95 % during the peak
season and drop to 40% during the slack season.
4. There is duplication of many logistics operations. Every department has their own policies I practices
and objectives.
5. In more than 20 per cent of the trips made to mother warehouses / C& F agents, the products are
despatched in less than full truckloads, resulting in high transportation costs.
6. Only 65 % of shipments were delivered on time, as a result of slow information flow and inadequate
connectivity across the system causing longer order processing time.
7. Transit damages were ranging between 2 to 5 % due to improper logistical packaging and inadequate
material handling equipment.
6. The finished goods inventory is above the best managed company in the industry
1. Identify the main logistical problems of the Company
2. To offer better customer service level and reduce the operating cost, how will you go about
redesigning the distribution network?
Case 7 (10 Marks)
M/s. Decorative Laminates Corporation (DLC) is a supplier of decorative sheets for wooden furniture
makers in domestic as well as commercial markets. In spite of competition n this field their sales volumes
shown growth during last 2 to 3 years. The last year was recorded 15% more sales compared to previous
year. Even though the sales volume are increasing• the profit margin is getting reduced day by day due to
future competition.
In one of the monthly management review meetings it was observed that the main cause for depleting
profitability is the increasing procurement costs. . The report presented by the new Purchase Manger
revealed that in order to obtain quantity discounts from the suppliers the company was purchasing inputs
& other maintenance items much more than their actual requirements. This has not only created a
problem of holding huge inventories but necessitated hiring of additional warehouse space to
accommodate these high inventories. It has also been observed that most of the purchasing tasks like
inventory control are still performed manually. The computers are used only for maintaining purchasing
records and printing purchase orders.
1. What is the main problem in this case? What are your suggestions to the company on inventory
2. What type of logistical cost approach you would suggest to the company?
Case 8 (10 Marks)
M/s. Compu-Tech is on the reputed Indian companies producing various types of computer printers.
Their production plant is situated at Noida in northern India and the products are distributed through
distribution centers located in every region.
The company introduced LS popular line of Desk Jet printers first time in India in 2005. Immediately on
the launch of this products
The solo more than one lacs units during that year. But the problems came with the boom in sales.
Already, the company was running into serious inventory snags, particularly with service to its customers
situated In southern region. The printers were generally shipped to all the distribution centers & onward
to the customers by road only. Unfortunately, that resulted in long lead times, making It tough to meet the
shorter delivery time offered by the local sellers mainly from Southern India.
The Company also found itself running short of production capacity to meet the quantity requirements
of certain large institutional & industrial customers. To add to it, quite often the company was running
out of stock for certain fast moving models and at the same time facing problems of excess inventory of
other models. Working out product wise demand from each market was also proving difficult for their
manufacturing plant.
1. What are the main problems in the logistical network of M/s. Compu-Tech?
2. What solutions would you propose o overcome these problems?
Traditional Forecasting
Many organizations seek to mitigate some of the traditional budgeting problems noted above by
implementing some form of forecasting. This allows managers to update budgeted numbers with actual
results for the periods that have already occurred. The forecasts are used to predict what will happen in
the future, often seeking to confirm whether predetermined annual targets will still be met.
While financial managers think of forecasting in terms of periodic forecasts, operating managers are
constantly adjusting plans, including sales estimates, which are converted to operating plans for
production and inventory control levels. Most of these planning efforts are conducted in numerous
discrete systems supporting different functional areas. A great deal of effort is required to integrate and
reconcile these different views of the future.
Financial forecasts are performed on a preset schedule, typically quarterly or monthly.
According to David Axson, author of "Best Practices in Planning and Management Reporting" 4. Axson
explains that these process cycle times are extended due to:
The difficulty in getting timely information;
The high level of details required taking significant time to forecast each item; and
The fact that much of this data is developed in a series of disconnected spreadsheets making
integration a time-consuming process.
Many companies use a purely financial process that is disconnected from its specific business drivers-a
mere financial accumulation of trends. These companies often determine their monthly forecasts by
subtracting the actual results to date from their annual targets and then dividing the remaining gap by the
months remaining. They then view the monthly result to see if it is even possible to attain, All their
forecasting work focuses on achieving the predefined annual targets, even if the underlying assumptions
that went into creating those targets are now Incorrect.
The level of detail used often mirrors the annual plan. Some planners forecast at the same level of detail
that is used for actual reporting, This can result in tremendous efforts in calculating variances and the
related explanation process.
These misconceptions often turn traditional forecasting into merely a different pc version of the
problems with traditional budgeting. Let's examine why.
For many organizations, forecasting is a mechanical process that adjusts future run rates upward or
downward as necessary so that the predetermined annual targets are still met.
They ignore the fact that targets were set based on various assumptions. What happens when the annual
targets are held but their underlying basis proves incorrect? The great quality guru W. Edwards Deming
noted that "if you pay people to hit targets, they often will, even if it destroys your company."
Q1) Explain the process of cycle times given by David Axson. (20 Marks)
Methodology :
Jimmy Carter, who introduced ZBB for resources allocation and control in government explains, "In
ZBB, the budget is broken into units called DPs which are prepared by managers at each level. These
packages include an analysis of purpose, cost, measures of performance and benefits, alternative courses
of action and consequences of not performing the activity. Then all packages are to be ranked in order of
priority. After several discussions between department heads and the chief executive, the rankings are
finalized, and packages upto the level of affordability are approved and funded."
In more specific terms the ZBB methodology as well as the sequential stages in its introduction may be
outlined as follows:
• Defining the Decision Units (DUs) within the firm: A DU is a tangible activity or group of activities
for which a single manager is responsible for successful performance. The DU concept is akin to that of
the responsibility center. A traditional cost center, a group of people or even a project may be a DU.
• Defining objectives of each DU : In clear and specific terms and in conformity with the enterprise,
objectives and goals.
• Identifying activities in the form of DPs: The term D P focuses on the analysis of each activity in the
manufacturing process according to the incident of the relevant cost and the importance of that activity
in the overall cost structure of the organization. Thus, in essence DPs not only refer to the costs but also
the benefits of an activity of process.
• Ranking of alternative DPs in the order of decreasing benefit to the organization, using cost-benefit
analysis technique. This problem can be reduced by concentrating on marginal priority packages. This
is because ultimately all the packages presented for funding would generally fall into three categories:
(1) those with a high priority and high probability of funding; (2) those with a marginal priority and
which may be funded or not funded depending on the resources available, and (3) those with a low
priority and low probability of funding.
• Forwarding the ranked DPs to the next higher organizational units, for review, merger with other
comparable DPs and for re-ranking (as the DPs are consolidated and re-ranked, the perspective and
objectives are broadened). The consolidation and re-ranking should preferably be done by a committee
comprising all managers whose DPs are being considered and a chairman selected from the next higher
organizational level.
• Finalization of the budget proposal as well as preparation of budgets for each DU have to be finally
approved by the top management. Before according approval, the top management is guided, on the one
hand, by the principle of allocating resources to the OPs showing higher benefit to cost ratios, and the
question of affordability, on the other.
Q1) Explain the stages in specific terms of ZBB Methodology. (20 Marks)
Capital Expenditures :
Another approach to deciding on capital expenditure investments is to assign a priority to each
investment proposed. We tend to limit the priority scale to values, as follows.
1. Absolute Must. Includes security, legal, regulatory, end-of-life equipment; typically externally
mandated, that is, you really have little or no choice. Simply stated, if you are under very tight
capital expenditure and/or expense budget constraints, the cutoff is drawn here.
2. Highly Desired/Business-Critical. Includes short-term "break even" (less than six months),
significant short-term "return to top or bottom line" less than months), and mega projects
already in progress.
3. Wanted. Valuable, with a longer return term (more than 12 months). Typically, these
projects get funded only if there is capital money remaining, if resources are available, and if
revenue projections are fairly secured.
4. Nice to Have. Given available bandwidth in people and money, there is a good return on
these projects, but typically the ROI has more intangibles. Unlikely to be funded in this budget
year; might go up the priority list in subsequent budget years. It is important to have some
projects in this priority, as it helps to better calibrate the higher priorities.
The following items constitute what is most typically referred to as "the budget." The major
categories of budget expenses are:
• Salaries and benefits (including hiring fees and bonuses)
• Training and education
• Travel
• Morale
• Staff-related depreciation
• Temporary help/consultants
• Miscellaneous (space, telecom, and so on)
• Depreciation
• Maintenance
• Repairs
• Leases
• Depreciation
• Maintenance
• Customer support
• Updates
• Repairs
• Leases
• Leased lines
• Oursourced network services
• Security services
• Applications service providers (ASPs)
• Miscellaneous (transport, courier, periodicals, and so on)
Q1) Explain the needs of Capital Expenditure investment. (10 Marks).
Q2) Give any two difference between hardware and software. (10 Marks).
Divorce the Forecasting Process from the Target Setting and Performance Appraisal
Forecasts must not be seen by senior managers as a tool for questioning or reassessing performance
targets. If managers see that forecasts have an impact on their reward and incentive plan, they will be
reluctant to present an unbiased picture.
Use Forecasts to Support
Leading organizations
Q1) Explain the difference between choosing the Right Forecasting on frequency and horizontal
Q1) a) What are the typical tasks performed by the MPC system and how do these task affect the
company operation. What is the cope of ERP implementation and how are the various modules of
the software organized.
b) What are the communication linkages between demand management, other MPC modules and
customers? And what the fundamental activities in sales and operation planning and what
techniques can be uses explain in brief.
Q2) a) Write the short note on four of the following:
I) Master production Schedule
II) Function of Manufacturing planning and control
III)Computer integrated manufacturing
IV)Breadth of purchasing in MPC.
V)Compare CPM and PERT
b) With the help of block diagram explain hierarchy of capacity planning decision.
c) Describe the function vendor development and vendor management.
Q3) a) State the seven wastes as being the targets of continuous improvement in Just in Time.
b) There are five jobs of which is to be processes through three machines A, B, and, C in order
ABC Processing time in hour are
Job A B C
1 3 4 7
2 8 5 9
3 7 1 5
4 5 2 6
5 4 3 10
Determine the optimum sequence for the five jobs and the minimum elapsed time.
c) Compare the bill of materials and cookbook recipe.
d) Explain the practical steps involved in solving PERT problems.
Q4 a) Explain Role of demand management in manufacturing, planning and control with suitable
b) State advantages, limitation and Application of Linear programming. What basic concepts and
module are used for shop floor and vendor scheduling and control.
c) Describe the function vendor development and vendor management
Virgin Mobile, a leading branded venture capital organization, is one of the world's most recognized
and respected brands. Conceived in 1970 by Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin Mobile Group has gone
on to grow very successful businesses in sectors ranging from mobile telephony, to transportation,
travel, financial services, leisure, music, holidays, publishing and retailing. Virgin Mobile has created
more than 200 branded companies worldwide, employing approximately 50,000 people, in 29
countries. Its revenues around the world in 2006 exceeded £10 billion (approx. US$20 billion).
In Indian mobile market, Virgin mobile is a unique player based on its business model and strategy. It
is the only service provider which does not hold any bandwidth and mobile setup infrastructure but
uses Tata Teleservices spectrum and is penetrating market totally on its branding and marketing
strategy. Creating a niche brand and promoting it to specific customer segment with proper marketing
has been the key success factor for virgin mobile across the globe. So, from marketing and customer
understanding point of view, this is a very unique company to study.
Virgin has promoted itself as the brand for young India, keeping the Indian youth as its target
customer segment. The idea behind targeting this segment can be found inherited in virgin‘s business
model. The salient features of Virgin‘s business model from customer perspective are:
1) With intensive competition and reducing voice tariffs, the profit margins for voice service are
decreasing day by day. So, the future profit strategy is maximizing profit margins through data
services and it is youth segment which provides maximum data service revenues.
2) Future projection of increasing young and working population of India as 65% of overall
population by 2020.
3) Increased use of data services in future due to technological advancements. So , in mobile sector
where all other players are trying to provide similar service to different customer segments, virgin is
targeting specific segment with tailor made plans keeping its long term goals in mind.
The company knows that they are trying to position themselves into a very established and
competitive market. They understand the fact that they cannot start making profit from day one
neither they have plans for it; they anticipate to achieve a subscriber base of 5 million in next three
years and will make profit afterwards they will be able to break even in three year or so. Sir Richard
once said, ―We want to deliver a more tailored and relevant offering for a single segment.‖ Company
targets only 10% of the above mentioned segment and have plans to acquire and retain them by
various innovative propositions, some of them are-
1 Providing services which were not offered so far
a) Get paid for incoming calls.
b) 50 paisa calls across the country.
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c) A brand truly meant for the young India which is reflected at each & every touch point.
d) Extensive data service offers in the form of Vbytes.
e) Excellent value added plans.
f) Go online facility for enquiry, purchasing phone, recharging and everything.
g) One-touch VAS access from every virgin mobile.
2 Providing services which others are not providing meticulously
a) Easy to change the handset from a wide range of handset providing at very reasonable prices
b) Boring customer care services telling you are in queue.
c) One customer care officer dedicated for all queries of one customer leading to transparency.
d) No jammed or bad network coverage.
e) Tailor made customized plans without any hidden charges.
f) No monthly bills.
Various steps that Virgin is taking to add value to the customer are on price, quality, technology and
social front. Company is providing the best prices in whichever plan you go, quality of signals is not
only comparable but better than most of the service providers, on technology front it is the first in
India to go for one-touch VAS access from every Virgin Mobile.
1) Who was the Target Market for Virgin Mobile?
2) What do you understand by Value Creation in context to this case study?
3) Does the customer acquisition and retention strategy really help Virgin Mobiles?
4.) Study and elaborate the business model of Virgin mobile?
Q 2.) SOTC: An Overview (20 MARKS)
Established in 1949 with just five employees at an office in Cawasji Hormusji Street, Mumbai, SOTC
has grown to become one of India‘s largest travel companies. By the year 1968, the Company had a
turnover touching Rs 25 million. A major turning point came in 1976 when SOTC handled its first
group tour to the US during the bicentennial celebrations. Within three years, SOTC had taken about
500 passengers to Europe, the US, Singapore and Japan. In 1981, came another breakthrough when
SOTC Package Tours began active advertising, with the first ad hitting the newspapers Between the
years 1983 and 1995, SOTC grew by leaps and bounds. It
moved to new premises at Church gate, Mumbai, installed the first computer for sales and operations,
and went through a management metamorphosis with a complete restructuring of the business into
autonomous Strategic Business Units (Subs) with a state-of-the-art call centre. SOTC has been
fulfilling the travel needs of Indians for over five decades now. It continues to seek out new and
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exciting destinations to offer to outbound travelers. SOTCs outbound business operations broadly
encompass Packaged Group Tours for Indians and Individual Holidays. SOTC World Famous Tours
caters to those who seek comfort in group travel. It is widely acknowledged to be the most successful
package tour brand in India. Recognizing the importance of language markets, SOTC also pioneered
tours conducted in Marathi and Gujarati under the SOTC brand extensions:
Product is the combination of tangible and intangible elements. The Tourism(SOTC) product, which
is mainly the destination, can only be experienced. The views of the location travel to the destination,
the accommodation and facility as well as the entertainment at the destination all form the tourism
product. Thus, it is a composite product combination of attraction, facilities and transportation . Each
of these components has its own significance in the product mix and in the absence of even single
components, the product mix is incomplete.
Services Offered by SOTC
Escorted tours
Customized holidays
Trade fairs
SOTC sports
Corporate tours
Pricing in tourism is a complex process. Pricing includes the prices of other services like Air travel,
Bus, Railways, Hotels, etc. All are included in tourism package. Pricing also depends on the
Geographic Location of the destination. Pricing also depends on the competitors price.
Pricing also depends on Seasonality. Seasonality is the most important factor in pricing. To match
demand and supply tourist managers try to get either discount .E.g. Taj is the tourist attraction in
India. Pricing is also based on competitors pricing. Pricing is also subject to government regulations
.E.g. Air price changes tourism package also changes, if Hotel charges change then also tourism
package changes. Pricing of the tourist product is a complex matter because of its composite nature.
Geographical location of the destination affects the pricing decision. At the same time, seasonality
factor and varying demand cannot be overruled. The objective of pricing in any other firms is to fetch
a target market share, to prevent competition, and to take care of the price elasticity of demand.
A very important way, in which SOTC responded to their highly complex pricing circumstances, is to
operate at two levels.
1. The first level is corresponds with the marketing strategy, which concerns with the product
positioning, value for the money, long run return on investments etc.
2. The second level corresponds to the marketing operations or tactics where the prices are
manipulated to match the current demand and competition
Different distribution strategies can be selected for Tourism marketing. Tourism as a product is
distributed as a travel. Internet is also used widely. There is an also small agent spread all over the
town who plays a role of place. Large travel companies like Thomas Cook, Cox & Kings, SOTC, etc
they act as a wholesalers and these wholesalers also act as a retailer. The two major functions
performed by the distribution system in tourism marketing are
1. To extend the number of points of sales or access, away form the location at which services
are performed or delivered
2. To facilitate the purchase of service in advance
Different distribution strategies are selected for Tours marketing by SOTC. There are also small
agents (who have taken franchise of SOTC) spread all over the town/country who also play a role of
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place. SOTC act as wholesalers and also act as a retailer. The latest mode of reaching customers is
through Internet that is SOTC has its own website from where information on the tours can be
procured, direct booking can be done for which the payment can be made through the credit card.
SOTC also has its own offices from where booking can be done.
1) Franchises : Offices in all major cities of India,347 offices in India
2) Tie Ups:
3) Travel boutique online
4) Internet Booking of Packages and Tickets
Advertising and sales promotion in Tourism can be very effective when supplemented by publicity
and personal selling. They use electronic, print all sorts of media they use; and it is highly promoted
industry. Public or PR (Public Relation) plays an important role in tourism. It is also through
recommendation of friends and relatives this is a biggest promotion. Creation of awareness is an
important factor in the formulation of marketing mix for the tourism industry. The promotion task
simplifies the activities of informing, persuading and influencing the decisions of potential tourists.
The promotion mix plays a vital role as the users of service feel high degree of involvement and
uncertainty about the product and their role in buying process In the tourism industry the travel
agents and the travel guides are the two most important people who speak a lot about the industry.
Hence it is imperative that they have to be at their best at all times. Travel guides especially, are
expected to have a lot of patience, good sense of humor, tact to transform the occasional tourists into
habitual ones, thorough knowledge of the places, linguistic skills etc
1. Includes travel agents, tour operators, tour guides.
2. locals are employed
3 Exhaustive training is provided
4 2900 employees through its 347 offices and caters to 3 million customers.
The operation process of the tourism firm will depend on the size of the tourism firm. The sequential
steps involved in the delivery of the SOTC products are:
1. Provision of travel information --- The information regarding the travel is provided at a
convenient location where the potential tourist seeks clarification about his proposed tour.
2. Preparation of itinerates------ SOTC prepares its composition of series of operations that are
required to plan a tour.
3. Liaison with providers of services--- Before any form of travel is sold over the counter to a
customer; SOTC enters into the contracts with the providers of various services including
transportation companies, hotel accommodation, coaches for local sightseeing etc.
4. Planning and costing tours------ Once the contracts and arrangements are entered into, then
the task of planning and costing the tour, this will depend on the tour selected as well as
physical evidence.
5. Ticketing----- The computerized reservation system has in recent years revolutionized the
reservation system for both rail and air travel. SOTC also provides the online ticket booking
facilities to its customers, which further leads to time saving process for it`s customers.
6. Provision of foreign currency and insurance--- SOTC in case of foreign travel also provide
foreign currency as well as insurance to its customers.
The Physical evidence of a tourism product refers to a range of more tangible attributes of the
operations. Tangibalising the product is a good way of giving positive and attractive hints or cues to
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potential customers with regard to the quality of the product., For SOTC , Elements Such as quality
and attractiveness of décor, effective layout of establishment, surroundings and quality of
promotional materials are all important.
Indian travel market can be classified into two broad categories International Travelers- Those
crossing International borders Domestic Travelers - Those travelling within India. International
Travelers can be classified as Inbound Travelers (those who travel into India from Overseas) and
Outbound of India (who travel internationally.)
Inbound market is further segmented into six broad categories
1. Holiday and sight seeing.
2. Business travelers
3. Conference attendees.
4. Students
5. Visiting friends
6. Relatives etc.
Such segmentation is required when targeting the offerings to a particular segment. For Example
1. The mass market consists of vacationists that travel in large groups and prefer all-inclusive
tours. They are generally conservative. The popular market consists of smaller groups going
on inclusive or semi-inclusive tours. This group includes pensioners and retired people.
2. The individual market consists of chairmen, senior executives, etc.
3. As the lifestyle changes, consumption of services might change. For example, a newly
married couple might prefer romantic holidays, but once they have children they would prefer
family vacations where there are plenty of activities to entertain kids. Teens and youth might
prefer adventure holidays whereas senior citizens would probably prefer more relaxing
The key to success for SOTC will undoubtedly be effective market segmentation through
identification of several niche markets and implementation strategies. Along these lines the company
intends to implement advertising, personal selling and direct marketing strategies to the target
markets. Their personal selling marketing strategies will rotate around keeping in touch with hotels
and travel agencies for major customers, and advertising customers. Hence their key success factors
will include the following:
1) Excellence in fulfilling the promise: intend to offer completely enjoyable, comfortable and
informative travel excursions that will ensure that travelers are thoroughly satisfied and appreciative
at the end of their trip.
2) Timely response to customers’ requests: SOTC cannot afford to delay their clients for whatever
reason, as this will have negative bearing on our image and reputation, including future business.
Hence they need to be continually communicating with the client, including hotels and lodges so as to
ensure that are constantly available to the client meeting their expectations.
3) Solid and fruitful strategic alliances: Considering the nature of their services and our relative
infancy on the market, SOTC should realize the importance of establishing and maintaining fruitful
strategic alliances with various stakeholders, including hotels, lodges, and travel agencies, so as be
assured of constant flow of customers, fulfilling their needs at every opportunity.
4) Marketing know-how: There will be a need to aggressively market SOTC business and the
services they provide so as to be continuously at the top of prospective client minds. This will also act
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as a temporary deterrent for companies contemplating entering our market. Advertising shall be
undertaken on a regular basis.
1. What P‘s are involved in marketing mix of services?
2. Explain the People mix with reference to SOTC?
3. State the key to success for SOTC?
4. Give an short marketing mix of services of Banking?
Q 3.) ICICI: Hum Hai Naa (20 MARKS)
Making impact with the experiences on post decision processes
Banking in Indian post nationalization in 1969 projected a picture of a laid back approach,
where the basic focus was driven towards savings and deposits. Most retail customers with banks
operated with in the dictate laid down by banking regulations. Aspects like, banking between 10-
2pm, Saturday half-day, Sunday off day, lag time get drafts made and numerous other facets which
were like bottlenecks with which the retail customer at the bank was conditioned too. After
liberalization in 1991 and with banking sector also opening, the industrial credit arm of the
government expanded into retail banking in 1994 with ICICI bank.
After Mr K V Kamath took over as MD and CEO of the bank in 1996, ICICI went through a
series of takeovers and new product launches between 1996 & 1999. with 364 branches, over 46
extension counters, a network of over 1050 ATMs, multiple call centers and well-developed internet
banking, the Mumbai HQ of ICICI bank can provide financial services all over India. Its customers
often use multiple channels, and they are increasingly turning to electronic banking options. Business
from ATMs, internet, and other electronic channels now comprises of almost 50% of all
transactions, up
from just 5% in last
couple of years. In the
process of growing its
business to this level,
ICICI bank has
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distinguished itself from other banks through its customer relationship. ICICI bank executive director
Chanda Kochar says, ―In an increasingly competitive environment where customers are becoming
more demanding and financial services are getting commoditized, ICICI realized the key
differentiator would be customer focus‖.
ICICI today has not just expanded into numerous divisions like insurance, mutual funds,
securities, and commodity trading, but even their core banking business has extended into a multitude
of activities, providing benefits to the customers. The ICICI ATM today is not just a point for cash
withdrawal, but it can also be used for mobile prepaid card recharge, buying internet packs (ATNAny
Time Net), payment of donations (Anytime blessings), Mutual funds transactions, bill payments,
flexi top ups and calling cards. ICICI‘s aggressive and customer driven approach on the flip side has
also been able to open the market. Nationalized banks like SBI, Corporation Bank etc., have had to
realign themselves and a host of other private banks have followed the suit. HDFC bank, UTI bank,
IDBI bank to name a few have always been known as the follower in the segment after ICICI‘s
aggressive opening. ICICI has redefined the Indian banking industry on how customer driven
banking is done.
The case of ICICI bank illustrates and highlights the importance of customer satisfaction as
the foundation of a successful business. Also, it shows how customer satisfaction depends on good
performance creating positive feelings and perceptions of equity. In addition to this, it shows how
customers can learn about the offerings by experiencing them directly. Finally, ICICI shows how by
offering innovative and new range of services make the customers stay loyal. All this phenomena
occurs after the consumer has made a decision. Hence, once a customer comes to you after making a
decision on your product, as a marketer you should be ready to provide them with a detailed
experience of your offerings so as to make them stay with you. You should be careful enough to
provide them with the experience which should have a favorable impact of you and your products on
your customers.
1. According to u what driven the success of ICICI in presence of so many nationalized
2. What do you understand by customer satisfaction? How did ICICI gain it?
3. How the ICICI did changed the Indian Banking approaches?
4. What you understand by Post Decision Process?
Q 4.) Why Grow Up" Frooti (20 MARKS)
―Why Grow Up‖ was a campaign started by Parle Agro to give Frooti new look and new positioning.
The campaign was started in 2009 and now when we look back, it seems that creative agency has
done a wonderful job in creating this campaign.
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Advocacy is the most powerful means of creating goodwill and thus creating stronger brand. In all
these advertisements, company has used common people and they are seen playing around with large,
non-symmetrical, funny mango.
This is a great strategy in which brand has given preference to common people over celebrities and
stars. The new campaign gives a new, young, happy and funny look to brand. ―Why Grow Up‖
campaign is conceptualized by creativeland .
This is a part of long term strategy of company, as per the news they want to take brand to new
heights and associate it with young and aspirations of audience. The company has even incorporated
the new designs in the packaging with a small change in logo and brighter color of tetra packs.
The company has gone aggressive with smaller packs of frooti and gave a heads on collision to other
fruit juices and aerated drinks. People have spent their lives growing with frooti and now when they
are part of their new brand strategy .
The creator of ad has used candid cameras and captured the surprise impact of the participants who
are playing a game and which in turn is made an ad. This is a very unique concept and highly
appreciated by the audience. All people not only children but adults who still long for happiness in
their lives love the advertisement.
Frooti is considered to be a cult brand and in some sense a category name also. Mango is considered
to be king of fruits and brand company has done a great job in understanding the strengths of the
company and revamping the identity of brand thus keeping its heritage intact
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1. What is main objective of the ―why grow up ―campaign?
2. According to you what impact did the ―why grow up campaign on consumer‘s mind?
3. What role do the packaging plays create an image of brand like frooti?
4. How successful the ―why grow up‖ campaign?
Case Study -I
―Waiting in New Delhi
―Richard was a 30 year-old American manager sent by his Chicago-based company to set up a representative office in India. This new
office‘s main mission was to source consumer products such as cotton piece goods, garments, accessories and shoes as well as certain
industrial goods, e.g. tent fabrics and cast iron components.
―India‘s Ministry of Foreign Trade had invited his company to pen this office because they knew it would promote exports, brig in
badly-needed foreign exchange and provide manufacturing knowhow to Indian factories. This was in fact the first international
sourcing office to be located anywhere in South Asia, and the MFT very much wanted it to succeed so that other Western and
Japanese companies could be persuaded to establish similar procurement offices.
―Richard decided to set up the office in New Delhi because he knew that he would have to meet very frequently with senior
government officials. Since the Indian government closely regulates all trade and industry, Richard often found it necessary to help his
suppliers obtain import licenses for the semi-manufactures and components they required to produce finished goods for his company.
―Richard found the government meetings very frustrating. Although he always phoned to make appointments, the bureaucrats almost
always kept him waiting for half an hour or more. Not only that, his meetings would be continuously interrupted by phone calls,
unannounced visitors and assistants bringing in stacks of letters and documents to be signed. Because of he waiting and the constant
interruptions, it regularly took half a day or more to accomplish something that could have been done back home in 20 minutes or less.
―Three months into this assignment, Richard began to think about requesting a transfer to a more congenial part of the world—
‗somewhere where things work.‘ He just could not understand why the officials here were being so rude. Why did they keep him
waiting? Why didn‘t they hold incoming calls and sign papers after the meeting so as to avoid the constant interruptions?
―After all, the government of India had actually invited his company to open this office. So didn‘t he have the right to expect
reasonably courteous treatment from the bureaucrats in the various ministries and agencies he had to deal with (Richard R.
What Richard does not realize, Mr. Gesteland explained, is that the Indian way of doing business is vastly different from the American
way of doing business. What is acceptable in some cultures, may not be considered acceptable or the standard in others. In India,
being a half hour or more late is not unusual and is not considered rude. India has what Mr. Gesteland calls fluid time, in which no
times are firmly set. Additionally, it is acceptable to take telephone calls during meetings. It is also considered acceptable to sign
papers and have unexpected visitors. Although this may seem to an American to be backwards, a waste of time, and impolite, it is
considered the standard and a perfectly acceptable manner of doing business in India.
1) Why did Richard not able to jell with local conditions?
2) If you were Richard ,What would you do
CASE: II The Sudkurier
The Sudkurier is a regional daily newspaper in south-western Germany. On average 310,000 people in the area read the newspaper
regularly. The great majority of those readers subscribe to its home delivery service, which puts the paper on their doorsteps early in
the morning. On the market for the last 35 years, the Sudkurier contains editorial sections on politics, the economy, sports, local news,
entertainment and features, as well as advertising. The newspaper is financially independent and its staff is free of any political
affiliation. Management at the Sudkurier would like to bring the paper into line with the current needs of its readers. For this purpose,
the management team is considering the use of market research.
Management would like to have information about the following.
1. What newspaper or other media are the Sudkurier‘s main competitors?
2. Do most readers read the Sudkurier for the local news, sports and classified ads, and should these sections therefore be expanded
at the expense of the sections on politics and the economy?
3. Should the Sudkurier‘s layout be modernized?
4. Do mostly lower levels of society read the Sudkurier?
5. Into what political category do readers and non-readers the Sudkurier?
6. Which suppliers of products and services consider the Sudkurier especially appropriate for their advertising?
Source: Regional Press Study, Gfk-Medienforschung Contest-Census
1. Explain how you will methodically go about compiling the requested information covered in the seven questions for management.
Include in your explanation an estimate of the expense involved in obtaining the information.
2. Develop a 10-question questionnaire for the purpose of making a survey.
CASE: III Unilever in Brazil: marketing strategies for low-income customers
After three successful years in the Personal Care division of Unilever in Pakistan, Laercio Cardoso was contemplating attractive
leadership positioning China when he received a phone call from Robert Davidson, head of Unilever‘s Home Care division in Brazil,
his home country. Robert was looking for someone to explore growth opportunities in the marketing of detergents to low-income
consumers living in the north-east of Brazil and felt that Laercio had the seniority and skills necessary for the project. Though he had
not been involved in the traditional Unilever approach to marketing detergents, his experience in Pakistan had made him acutely aware
of the threat posed by local detergent brands targeted at low-income consumers.
At the start of the project—dubbed ‗Everyman‘—Laercio assembled an interdisciplinary team and began by conducting extensive
field studies to understand the lifestyle, aspirations and shopping habits of low-income consumers. Increasing detergent use by these
consumers was crucial for Unilever given that the company already had 81 per cent of the detergent powder market. But some ….
esalers had national coverage and economies of scale but did not directly serve the small stores where low-income consumers
shopped, necessitating another layer of smaller wholesalers, which increased their cost to US$0.10 per kg. Alternatively, Unilever
could contract with dozens of specialize distributors who would get exclusive rights to sell the new Unilever detergent. These
specialized distributors would have a better ability to implement point of purchase marketing and would cost less ($0.05 per kg).
1. Describe the consumer behaviour differences among laundry products‘ customers in Brazil. What market segments exists?
2. Should Unilever bring out a new brand or use one of its existing brands to target the north-eastern Brazilian market?
3. How should the brand be positioned in the marketplace and within the Unilever family of brands?
Case 4 Ryanair: the low fares airlines
The year 2004 did not begin well for Ryanair. On 28 January, the airline issued its first profits warning and ended a run of 26 quarters
of rising profits. On that day, when the markets opened, the company was worth €5 billion. By close of business, its value had shrunk
to worth €3.6 billion, as its share price plunged from worth €6.75 to €4.86. Investors were dismayed by the airline‘s admission …..
• In April 2005, Ryanair abandoned an experiment in paid-for in flight entertainment, after passengers were reluctant to rent the
consoles at the £5 required to receive the service. Apparently, market research discovered passengers are unwilling to invest on such
short flights, with the ideal being six-hour flights to longer-haul holiday destinations. When the experiment was launched in
November 2004, Michael O‘Leary hailed the move as ‗the next revolution of the low-fares industry…we expect to make enormous
sums of money‘.
1. How does Ryanair‘s pricing strategy account for its successful performance to date? Would you suggest any changes to Ryanair‘
pricing approach? Why/why not?
2. Is the ‗no-fares‘ strategy a useful approach for Ryanair in the short term? In the long term?
3. Do the issues facing Ryanair threaten its low-fares model?
Case V LEGO: the toy industry changes
How times have changed for LEGO. The iconic Danish toy maker, best known for its LEGO brick, was once the must-have toy for
every child. However, LEGO has been facing a number of difficulties since the late 1990: falling sales, falling market share, job losses
and management reshuffles. Once vote ‗Toy of the Century‘ and with a history of uninterrupted sales growth, it appears LEGO has
fallen victim to changing market trends. Today‘s young clued-up consume is far more likely to be seen surfing the web, texting on
their mobile phone, listening to their MP3 player or playing on their Game Boy than enjoying a LEGO set. With intensifying
competition in the toy market, the challenge for LEGO is to create aspirational, sophisticated, innovative toys that are relevant to
today‘s tweens.
In 1932 Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish carpenter, established a business making wooden toys. He named the company ‗LEGO‘ in
1934, which comes from Danish words ‗leg godt‘, meaning ‗play well‘. Later, coincidentally, it was discovered that in Latin it means,
still remaining true to its wholesome ‗play well‘ brand values? Will LEGO succeed in its attempts to target young girls and its desire
to target a more adult audience? Will it succeed in its attempts to reduce costs and improve efficiencies? Will CEO Jorgen Vig
Knudstorp succeed where his predecessors have failed? Only in the fullness of time will these questions be answered but one thing is
for sure: no brand, no matter how powerful, can afford to become complacent in an increasingly competitive business environment.
1. Why did LEGO encounter serious economic difficulties in the late 1990s?
2. Conduct a SWOT analysis of LEGO and identify the company‘s main sources of advantage.
3. Critically evaluate the LEGO turnaround strategy.
A) Discuss Various Marketing Research Instruments .Give suitable examples (one example
B) Describe following in context of new product development (NPD)? (10 Marks)
1. The new product development decision process
2. Risk factors hindering new product development
C) Illustrate the marketing mix for any two of the following? (15 Marks)
1. Cafe Coffee Day
2. Dr. Batra‘s clinic
3. Lux Soap
4. HP( Hewlett Packard)
D) Illustrate with examples, the differences between Product marketing &
Services marketing? (10 Marks)
E) Illustrate with examples, the methods/ways of evaluating advertising effectiveness? (10 Marks)
F) Discuss the factors which contribute in deciding the ―price‖ of the product? Discuss
various pricing methods? (10 Marks)
G) ―Laco Industries ―has planned to introduce new baby shampoo in the kids market. The company
conducted a research in selected tier II cities in India to know the demand & successfully
launched its product. In this context, discuss the characteristics of the good research? (15 Marks)
Q.1) Define term ―Marketing Management‖ discuss the elements of Market Environment? (10 Marks)
Q.2) Define the term Product Management? Explain how New Product Decisions are made? (10 Marks)
Q.3) What is Customer relationship Management Explain its feature and nature? (10Marks)
Q. 4) Explain the nature and feature of Marketing research and Information Systems? (10 Marks)
Q.5) What is Market Measurement and Forecasting? (10 Marks)
Q6) What is Segmenting and Targeting the Market? (10 Marks)
Q7) What is Advertising Management? Explain the concept of Sales Promotion and Personal Selling?
Materials Management
Renuka Machines Manufacturing Corporation
(A case on vender rating in material management)
Renuka Thomas, President of Renuka Machines Manufacturing Corporation (RMMC), is concerned about
company‘s choice of suppliers for cleaning brushes, which are used in the company‘s data processing equipment.
Renuka occasionally plays tennis with Sheela George, President of George Machine Company (GMC), one of the
company‘s suppliers of cleaning brushes.
Recently, Sheela complained to Renuka that her company has been having difficulty in getting the traditional
share of Renuka‘s business. On the last buy, Sheela‘s company failed to get any business, even though Sheela
believed she was the lowest bidder. Renuka tells Sheela that normally she does not get into the details of
procurement, but she promises to ask her Purchasing Manager, Dannis Chako to investigate.
The next day morning, Renuka calls Dannis Chako and tells him of Sheela‘s complaint. He said (says), that he
does not want to influence the company‘s procurement policies, but he does not feel that Renuka should
investigate to make sure that Sheela‘s firm was treated fairly.
Purchasing Manager, Dannis discovers that George Machine Company was indeed the lowest bidder on the last
buying. Quotations for an order of 20,000 units were as under:
George Machine Company Rs 2.22
Data Matics Electronics Company Rs 2.23
Royal Tools and Machine Company Rs 2.25
Royal and Data Matics each got order for 10,000 pieces. Royal has done considerable development work on
brushes, while George and Data Matics have done very little. The quality and delivery records of the three
suppliers on the last ten orders for the brushes are shown below. Renuka Machines Manufacturing Quality
Control Department has set an acceptable quality level of three per cent on the brush.
Supplier Quantity
Quantity Defective Delivery
Royal 4,000 122 One week early
Dara Matics 4,000 92 One week late
Sheela 3,000 120 On time
Sheela 6,000 162 Two weeks late
Royal 4,000 38 On time
Data Matics 5,000 29 One Week Early
Sheela 2,000 88 1,000 pieces on time. 1,000 pieces 4
weeks late
Data Matics 6,000 98 Two Weeks Late
Royal 4,000 45 One Week Late
Sheela 5,000 162 One Week Late
1. Is Dannis Chako justified in eliminating George Machine Company as a supplier of brushes?
2. In what respect is the complaint from George Machine Company justified?
3. Prepare a report for Renuka Thomas explaining the decision to eliminate George Machine company as a
supplier. Use quantitative data as much as possible to support your answer?
Case -2 (10 Marks)
Cause of John Mathai s Sorrow
( A case of inventory car in m.m.)
John Mathai was a very sad man on Sunday, 12 April 1998. He was the Chief Executive of Telecom Installations
Ltd, TIL, a wholly owned subsidiary of the major producers of telecom equipment in the country: Telecom
Manufacturing Company (TMC). Around 88 per cent of the production of TMC was produced for the
Government of India under special terms and prices, but the balance 12 per cent was routed through TIL, who
were really the All India Sales, Serving and Installation network of TMC.
John‘s wife Sheela, herself a commercial executive with a multinational, found John staring at some sheets of
papers after they returned from church. These papers had been delivered by John‘s office while they were away.
Fearing bad news, Sheela gently took the papers from John. It was a brief performance report of TIL for the justended
financial year. The sales had grown at the rate of 32 per cent. Usually a poor performer, the Kolkata region,
had done extremely well. The company had performed the task of providing telecom facilities to villages very
well. This was a politically sensitive area. The number of villages provided telecom facilities during 1997-98 had
grown by 16 per cent over the figure for the previous year. TIL also took annual maintenance contracts, AMCs
for telecom systems sold by TIL/TMC and the income from the servicing contracts had also grown by a healthy
21 per cent. Sheela felt that TIL had done well and asked John to thank the lord for such good results. She
requested John not to be too ambitious and ask for more and more. John took the report from Sheela and showed
her the last page, which she had missed. It gave details of the inventory of TIL and Sheela realized that the
inventory too had grown and that too at a hefty 27 per cent during the year. The growth had been in all the
regions. The breakup of inventory under various heads followed. Sheela could not follow the technical details but
understood the cause for John‘s despair!
John wondered, ‗How can the inventory grow when there has been such a steep increase in sales, servicing and
installation activities? This performance should have actually cleaned the stores and reduced the inventory.‘
Sheela understood the problem and prompted John to have a detailed study conducted to analyse the situation and
determine the causes of inventory increase. She hoped that this decision would help John to have peaceful Sunday
at home and not run to the office!
All the field offices were hoping to get a congratulatory message from their Chief for the good performance
achieved by TIL in sales, servicing and installation fields. Instead, everybody was surprised to get a crisp FAX on
the black Monday morning on the unlucky 13 April 1998, announcing the setting up of an Inquiry Team
consisting of Mr. Sreedharan, an auditor from the Bangalore office and Girish Sehajwala, Technical Executive
from Mumbai office. The team was to analyze the reasons for the increase of inventory and submit its report by
30 April 1998. All the employees were directed to extend full cooperation to the team. The message, that the
inventory control was essential, was received loud and clear by all the field offices. There were reports of
demoralization and frustrations due to these events, but John Mathai chose to ignore these.
Sreedharan and Girish worked sincerely, as was expected from this handpicked team. They came out with
following startling causes for the increase of inventory:
1. The increase had been more in monetary terms due to an increase in prices by 11 per cent.
2. The field offices were immensely encouraged by the increase in sales and had augmented their orders on
the manufacturing units during August-September 1997. Deliveries were expected around December
1997. This was done because there were reports of a likely loss of production due to shortage of imported
components. Deliveries did not take place when expected. The production picked up much later and the
factories of TMC dumped the ordered equipment in March 1998. There were protests from the field
offices that there would be little time to sell these systems in the current year, but the factories insisted on
completing the deliveries since they had to show these sales during that year‘s production. These items
had thus added to the inventories without much chance of sales before 31 March 1998. Had the factories
adhered to the delivery schedules, there would have been much less increase in the inventories.
3. The installation materials had shown a significant increase in all the field offices. This increase had been
due to the improper disposal of installation materials after every installation. For example, 60 to 70 per
cent of stocks of all types of cables consisted of small pieces left from the cable drums after an
installation. These pieces were too small to be used in subsequent work and, therefore, just added to the
inventory. The entire 4.2 kilometres of D-8 cable in the Delhi office stores consisted of two one-kilometre
drums and 2.2 kilometres of cable in the form of 503 pieces of lengths varying between half a metre to 3
metres. The field managers had not shown these amounts as consumed since an increase in consumed
materials reduced the profitability of the installation tasks. The managers had also been apprehensive of
scrapping the brand new cable. The small and unusable quantities of installation materials had been
accumulating over the years. This year the accumulation had been higher since the installation work had
been more.
4. Current generation of electronic/telecommunication equipment consist of a number of circuit boards held
together and interconnected. Fault detection system may be built in the equipment to indicate which
circuit board has developed a fault. This helps in urgent repairs, because even an operator can easily
replace the faulty circuit board. Each field office of TIL, therefore, stocked circuit boards to sell to
customers located at some distance from the field office. The objective has been that in the event of a
failure, the customer could restore the system by changing the defective circuit board with the spare good
circuit board held by him. Simultaneously, the customer was to send for a TIL technician. The service
engineer of TIL could repair the faulty circuit board and carry out a complete check up of the equipment.
The service engineers have also been keeping some circuit boards with them, so that they can put back a
system to work when visiting customers having problems and not having spare circuit boards. Badly
damaged, circuit boards beyond the repair capabilities of the field offices have to be sent to the factory for
repairs. Customers have to be given circuit boards for the duration of their circuit boards getting repaired
at the factory. The team sent by John Mathai found that there was gross misutilization of these circuit
boards. Service engineers ‗loaned‘ some circuit boards to the customers, there was a lack of clarity about
the circuit boards sent to the factory, etc. There was, in brief, no clear policy about these costly circuit
boards and a large number continued to be on the inventory of the field offices.
John Mathai read the report twice and concluded that he must do something about the inventories. He
would have to make a large number of policy decisions and involve the manufacturing factories of TMC
who repaired the cards and sent the finished products for sale. What detailed actions would you
recommend, and why? Comment about the reactions of John Mathai when he saw the annual performance
report. Should he not have expected some of these results during his day-to-day working?
Q.1) Summarize & Analyse the case with reference to the principles of materials management?
Q.2) How o reduce the inventory of TIL without affecting its operations?
Case 3 (10 Marks)
Pool Stores
(A case of stores management in material management)
The National Authority for Civil Aviation, NACA, is a public sector undertaking reporting to the Ministry of
Civil Aviation, Government of India. It is responsible for maintaining the facilities and services at all the civil
airfields in the country. It offers these facilities/services to aircrafts owned by various airlines, private aeroplane
owners, government aircrafts, etc., on payment basis. The facilities include runways, taxi tracks for the aircraft to
operate and aprons for these to be parked. NACA also provides lights for the aircraft to take off and land at night
and in bad weather. Air traffic control and communications for the same are needed for the safe operation of the
aircraft. Similarly, aids for aircrafts to operate and navigate to their destinations are installed and operated by
NACA. Majority of the important facilities are provided by modern electronic equipment. Terminal buildings,
cargo/baggage handling facilities, etc., are important requirements. NACA not only has to install these facilities,
but also maintain these. NACA is responsible for 72 airfields. An airfield is categorized as A, B or C, depending
on the facilities available there. An important consideration for awarding category to an airfield is the time
required for all the facilities to come on in an emergency such as power failure, breakdown/ failure of the
equipment, etc. Important facilities are, therefore, duplicated. One system is ON and working, while the second
system is on standby. The role of the two systems is changed at suitable intervals. The standby system has to
quickly come ON in the event of the failure of the system that is working. The same applies to the power supply.
This highlights the importance of keeping the facilities available at all times.
All the airfields in India are not under the charge of NACA. Some airfields are looked after by the Indian Air
Force, a few belong to private or public sector companies and many airfields, constructed during the Second
World War, are lying abandoned. Air Force officials must maintain their airfields in Al condition since the speeds
of present generation aircraft and the requirements of defence operations call for airfield facilities to be available
virtually without a break. This requires a high quantum of maintenance spares. The swift advances in technology,
‗especially in electronics, have reduced the chances of breakdown; at the same time, the cost of the spares has sky
Mr. S. Rao took over as joint Secretary Expenditure, Government of India, and was disturbed by NACA‘s heavy
maintenance inventory. He suggested that non-moving stores be identified and was truly appalled to learn that 67
per cent of maintenance stores—totalling to 2012 type of items—had not been used during the previous 40
months. He approached Mr. U.N. Rao, Chairman, NACA, to review the situation since these stores had blocked
Rs 902 crore. Mr. U.N. Rao wrote back that he could not take chances with Rs 400 to 600 crore worth modern
airliners, which carried over 250 human lives. He clarified that these stores should be treated as Assurance
Mr. S. Rao met Mrs. Shashi Jam, Joint Secretary in charge of Air Force Finance at a conference and persuaded
her to obtain the corresponding figures of non-moving stores for airfield maintenance for the air force. It
eventually emerged that the Air Force managed 54 airfields and had 2007 non-moving maintenance spares,
costing Rs 777 crore. The Air Force also suggested that these stores should be treated as Assurance Stores and not
as non-moving maintenance spares. These provide the much-needed protection against stock-out during an
emergency. This was extremely important since many of these spares were sourced from foreign suppliers and
hence had a long lead-time.
The two Joint Secretaries got the lists of 2012 and 2007 nonmoving airfield maintenance spares from NACA and
the Indian Air Force. They approached a mature, retired, senior Air Force engineer, Air Marshal Kuldip Singh, to
suggest ways and means of reducing these dead inventories. Air Marshal Kuldip Singh‘s analysis revealed that:
1. 929 types of items were common in the two lists.
2. Greater commonality could be achieved if this aspect was given due weightage while purchasing the
capital systems.
3. Indigenous development and manufacture of these equipment would automatically achieve the aim of
commonality, since both NACA and Air Force will buy their requirements from Indian manufacturers.
This trend was increasing very fast.
4. Many NACA and Air Force airfields are located fairly close to each other.
5. Facilities for ‗airlifting the stores are easily available to NACA and Air Force at their airfields.
6. Each airfield had a main and a standby system. Maintenance spares would be required to repair the
standby system. The failure rate of the current generation systems has been coming down and the
philosophy of repair by replacement has minimized the repair time.
7. Many foreign suppliers of the capital equipment have set up spares holding depots, which are open all the
time in order to meet the urgent requirements of their customers.
The Air Marshal, therefore, suggested that the Air Force and NACA should set up ‗Pool Stores‘. These
stores should store common items, especially the non-moving maintenance spares. These Pool Stores
should meet the demands of all the airfields within a radius of 150—200 km. This should result in
maintenance spares being available at the airfield that requires these spares within 1 to 1.5 hours. The Pool
Stores could be managed by NACA and the Air Force in the ratio of 4: 3 or by a newly-created
government agency.
Recommendations made by Air Marshal Kuldip Singh were turned down both by NACA and the Air
Force. It was pleaded that this concept would fail during emergencies, especially military operations,
when the bombs were falling on the airfield. You have been given the powers to decide. What will you
decide and why?
Q.1) Study & Analyze the case with ref to the principles of materials management?
Case 4 (10 Marks)
The Charminar Club
(A case of scrap disposal in material management)
The Charminar Club, Hyderabad became 50 years old on 7 January 1963. The anniversary celebrations were held
on a lavish scale, though many in the staff were sorry, since? January 1963 was to be the last working day for
Captain Bob Doll (Retired), Royal Navy. Captain Doll had been the Secretary of The Charminar Club for over 15
years. The staff had always worshipped Doll Sahib as their King‘. There was a general understanding that the
days of the old world charm must come to an end. The managing committee of the club had appointed Mr. N.G.
Kavi, a chartered accountant as the new secretary. The President of the club, Mr. Raja Reddy had briefed Kavi
about various things. He had stated, ‗The Charminar Club has been the prime club of the Hyderabad State and
was included among the prestigious institutions in south India, The Charminar Club had affiliations with the best
clubs in India, Europe and the USA. The active membership of the club was frozen at 7,400. Outstation members
totalled 2,500. The club had received generous donations from the administration during the British regime and
80 per cent of the members were Europeans. This continued till the merger of the State and the formation of
Andhra Pradesh. The environment of the club and the mindset of the staff were, therefore, oriented towards
Unfortunately, financial support to the club had stopped some years ago. The administration of the club managed
to survive and practice the old system for these past years due to accumulated assets of the previous years. We
have now scrapped the bottom of the barrel and reality must take over. The staff is very good. They were very
attached to the Captain, but are aware of our predicament. They are frightened about the unknown so must be
handled with tact. It is up to you to conserve the resources, restore the financial health of the club but maintain the
good name of The Charminar Club.‘
Kavi was maintaining a low profile and generally walked around to get the feel of things. One night, at about 9
p.m., he was startled to see a horse-drawn cart parked in front of the back staff entrance of the library. Kavi knew
that the staff of the club did not like him, so he just watched from a distance. Shortly, the cart started being loaded
with old newspapers and magazines. It drove away when it was fully loaded. Security staff stopped it at the gate.
The coachman made appropriate entries in the security register and drove away. Kavi checked the security
register the next morning and learnt that the cart had made two trips. The entries showed that old magazines and
newspapers had been taken away in the cart. Security supervisor confirmed that this usually happened once a
month. Magazines older than 9 months and newspapers older than 3 months were taken out for sale. Kavi was
impressed with such a clean and transparent transaction. However, his sixth sense kept nagging him that all was
not well.
He waited for a month for the credit from the library for the sale of these newspapers and the magazines, but no
such voucher passed through his desk. He had instructed that all credit and debit vouchers should be shown to
him. The staff had ridiculed these instructions, ‗. . . after all, a Charted Accountant‘. He discretely inquired and
learnt that no such credit ever came from the library. These inquiries were obviously communicated to old Mr
Richard, the librarian. Within 15 minutes, there was a knock on Kavi‘s door. Mr Richard entered and with an
elaborate show of respect, placed a neat copy in front of Kavi. The copy contained the income from the sale of old
papers. It totalled to Rs 4707 for the current financial year. The sales were done by Mr. Richard and the club
‗purchaser‘ (materials executive) had no involvement with these transactions. Kavi was informed that this amount
was used for one picnic of the entire library staff and one set of clothes to the families of the staff on Christmas!
Diwali. Mr. Richard bowed his head and almost whispered, ‗Captain Sahib knew about this.‘
Kavi was stumped. The Chartered Accountant in him recalled ― the words of the President‘. . . conserve the
resources, restore the financial health of the Club.‘ But the manager in him warned, the staff is frightened, . . .
they were very attached to the Captain‘. Kavi also realized that this story will be repeated in other departments
too. The funds from the disposal of the scrap will not be coming to the coffers of the club. The total could add up
to a substantial amount. Simultaneously, financial accountability for the sale of scrap would involve virtually the
entire staff. They will further cling to the memories of the Captain and Kavi will continue to be unaccepted as
their leader. What should Kavi do?
1. List the other items of club scrap (besides old newspapers and magazines) that can be sold. Estimate
approximate quantum of income from each head of scrap sale?
2. What should the new secretary do about the sale of scrap?
3. Draft a set of guidelines if Mr. Kavi chooses to regularize the sale of scrap material?
Group B
Case-5 (10 Marks)
Bharat Metal Works, Gwalior
(A case of mahe or buy devision in material management)
Gwalior, a town in Madhya Pradesh, India, is well connected by rail and road. Ms Shobha Talwar, a mechanical
engineer from Pune, operates a medium-sized industrial unit there, called Bharat Metal Works. This unit is
basically a workshop, fabricating items normally for exports against orders. The unit also has other sections such
as commercial, for purchases and handling export- related formalities, carpentry shop for packing, quality
assurance, stores, etc. The functioning of the industrial unit received a boost when Lalit, Shobha‘s brother-in-law,
joined a firm in Germany. This firm imported ferrous castings from India. Lalit suggested to Shobha to handle
operations in India for this German firm. He explained that the importers often suffered heavily due to quality of
the products and excessive delays in delivery schedule. Lalit argued that Bharat Metal Works could at least
double its income if Shobha accepted to handle responsibilities for his firm in India. Shobha had three daughters;
Malti, Meera and Mitali aged 24, 22 and 19, respectively. Funds would be needed shortly to marry these girls.
This tempted Shobha to accept the proposal.
Shobha reinforced the commercial section by recruiting a senior manager, Inder Mohan, for handling additional
export related tasks but decided to handle the technical tasks herself. Lalit telephoned about an order for 500
castings for a gear box as soon as he got the green signal from Shobha about her readiness. Drawings and
specifications were received by FAX two days later. Shobha had 4 months to load the castings on a ship sailing
from Mumbai. She travelled extensively in the northern state of Punjab to identify a suitable and reliable supplier.
She was not satisfied with the results, because bigger foundries making ferrous castings were too occupied and
placing an order with a small foundry would require too many trips by Shobha to ensure the quality of products.
Ludhiana, where these foundries were located, was too far from Gwalior for Shobha to travel without effecting
her other tasks. Shobha was almost going to quit when she chanced to meet Col. Mahesh Kumar, who had set up
a foundry at Guna, a small town 30 kilometres from Gwalior. Col. Mahesh Kumar came out as a professionally
competent and reliable person during Shobha‘s visits to his foundry. The colonel wanted a 5 per cent higher price
than that quoted at Ludhiana but agreed to deliver 500 gear box castings in 90 days. Shobha Taiwar was very
happy with the arrangements and accepted the order from Lalit. A 101-paged formal order came by post from
Germany a few days later. Shobha had already formalized the order on Col. Mahesh Kumar based on the
telephonic talks with Lalit. Shobha was unable to read the mammoth order because she received a rather large
fabrication order from France, which was to be delivered 10 days after the dispatch of castings to Germany.
Shobha‘s assessment was that she would earn a clear profit of Rs 1,58,000 after allowing for all the expenses
from the German order. Shobha directed Inder Mohan to go through the German order and that placed on Col.
Mahesh Kumar and initiate actions for exporting the consignment. She cautioned him against any delays because
she would lose 50 per cent of her earnings for every week of delay. They calculated that Bharat Metal Works will
have exactly 21 days after receiving the items from Col. Mahesh Kumar and placing these on board the ship at
Mumbai. Delay in deliveries from the suppliers would not hurt Shobha financially since penalties from the
German company would be passed on to the colonel. It was, however, essential that there was no slip up between
taking deliveries and loading on the ship.
Inder Mohan got busy with the paperwork for completing the export formalities. As soon as all the work was
over, Shobha sent Inder Mohan and the Quality Assurance Inspector to Guna to make arrangements for the
receipt and dispatch of the castings as only 23 days were left for deliveries. A very worried Inder Mohan reported
to Shobha the following morning. It appeared that her commercial manager had not slept the previous night. Inder
Mohan slowly revealed the problem. On reaching Guna, Inder Mohan had found no evidence of packing the
consignment. The German order had specified crating of the gear box castings, but the colonel stated that he was
only required to wrap/pack the castings in gunny bags. The foundary had placed an order for the packing material
accordingly, which was due any day. Inder Mohan went through both the orders on reaching Gwalior and his
fears were confirmed. There was a difference between the orders; while Col. Mahesh Kumar had been asked to
pack the castings in gunny bags, the Germans had wanted these to be crated. He estimated that this will involve
an expenditure of at least Rs 30,000 at the rate of Rs 60 per crate. Shobha accepted that the fault was hers and
agreed to bear the expenses. But the major cause of worry was that crating should not delay the consignment and
bring in penalty for delayed delivery. Shobha instructed Inder Mohan to investigate and suggest the best solution.
Inder Mohan reported two days later, the following facts:
1. Guna was too small a township and there was no possibility of the crating job being done by a local
2. Col. Mahesh Kumar was willing to do the crating for subsequent orders after making necessary
arrangements. But he firmly declined to handle this task for the present order even if he was given
additional money. He, however, offered to make space and other facilities available to an outside party for
executing the task.
3. The carpentry shop of Bharat Metal Works may be able to do the job by stretching its resources. The
workers understood the difficulties being faced by the company and would rise to the occasion for their
Shobha didi. The workers will have to be based at Guna and paid substantial outstation and overtime
allowances. Materials will have to be purchased and taken to Guna. Lastly, the occupation of the carpentry
shop with German consignment will most likely effect the crating/delivery of the fabrication order from
4. The packers in Gwalior were not very keen to do the job in Guna. They submitted that they would be
happy to work for Bharat Metal Works at Gwalior, but would need at least 50 per cent additional
payments for the rush job at Guna. Both the contractors approached by Inder Mohan had good reputation
and were confident of completing the job in time. They, however, declined to accept any penalty clause
for delay.
5. The expenses of doing the packing internally and through either of the contractor were comparable. The
contractors had wanted Rs 84.05 and Rs 82.95 per crate, while in- house cost was estimated to be Rs 84.0
per crate. The contractors would do the assignment only if the order for all the 500 crates was given to
6. It would be necessary to take the decision as soon as possible since the time was at premium.
Shobha spoke to Lalit and explained the position. She pleaded that as an engineer, she had not considered
it necessary to crate the castings since these are made of hard material and would have to be finished in
Germany. Lalit explained that the castings are very brittle and, therefore, must be crated in order to avoid
damage during shipment. Shobha offered to bring down the price if the Germans would accept gunny bag
packing. Lalit promised to try to get her some additional incentives if the crated consignment was loaded
as per the promised delivery. ‗Delay in delivery would be viewed seriously by my management,‘ Lalit had
Shobha and Inder Mohan would really appreciate your guidance. They not only have to worry about the
crating of the castings for Germany but also the fabrication order from France.
Q.1) Summarize & analyze the case with reference to the principles of material management?
Case-6 (10 Marks)
A case of Integrated Materials Management
Hindustan Aircraft Manufacturing Company (HAMCO) was an old multi-product multi-location company with
its headquarters in the south Indian city of Mangore. Golakh Nath Shetty, a young mechanical engineer,
graduated from Manchester in the UK. He had designed a simple aircraft as his summer vacation project. This
had fetched him an A plus grading and created a keen Interest in him in the aircraft design. Aircraft design and
manufacture was a new subject then and young Shetty studied a lot about aircraft during his spare time. He set up
a manufacturing unit in the garage of his father‘s bungalow after returning to India. It was seen that this aircraft
had many buyers, young rich enthusiasts, flying clubs (which were just being set up in India), etc. The year was
1943. HAMCO was thus born. Some more aircraft were produced by HAMCO. All this did not fetch much
financial or commercial success for Golakh, but his reputation as an engineering genius spread far and wide. It
also earned him the title of Rai Bahadur from the government.
Rai Bahadur Shetty had to soon move to a bigger estate with a runway for testing his aircrafts. The financial
crunch caused due to these investments resulted in HAMCO taking up overhauling of big and expensive imported
cars. The company also purchased cheap war-used vehicles, overhauled and sold these at huge profits.
Rai Bahadur built the tools, jigs, fixtures measuring devices, etc., in house. These were based on his own design
and expertize. He would use items from his scrapyard for these requirements and the company learned the
philosophy of never throwing away anyscrap/unwanted material. The general thinking was, You never know
when this item may be needed: don‘t scrap it.‘ India‘s independence, followed by the foreign exchange crunch
resulted in exponential growth of HAMCO. This also reinforced the popular belief of preserving all the materials
not presently needed. An item not needed today may prove to be a replacement for an imported item tomorrow;
thus saving foreign exchange.
HAMCO started the manufacture of more complex aircrafts under licence from foreign companies. Manufacture
of jet aircraft, helicopters, aero-engines, instruments fitted in the aircraft, electronic equipment needed in the
aircraft, etc., followed. Plants were set up at various locations for the manufacture of these products. Rat Bahadur
Shetty became an authority in aviation in India. He dropped the title of Rai Bahadur given by the British
Government and was soon awarded the Bharat Bhushan by the Government of India. Unfortunately, Golakh Nath
Shetty died early in 1963 and his only son Alok Shetty took over as the Chairman cum Managing Director (CMD)
of HAMCO. Young Alok was a Ph.D. in Commerce and MBA from the USA. Dr Shetty, as he preferred to be
addressed, soon realized that almost 40 per cent of premium space in all the company plants was taken up by
different types of stores. He ordered an evaluation and analysis of the inventory and was shocked to find that
imported raw materials purchased from the principals abroad had been lying in the stores for years after the
production of the main item/aircraft had been discontinued. Maintenance spares for plant and machinery alone
accounted for 40 per cent of the total working capital and a very high percentage of the total inventory. Within
seven months of his taking over, Dr Shetty ordered that all raw materials and components not used for over 18
months be sold. He ordered the maintenance inventory for the plant and machinery to be halved in one year and
so on. There were protests from various sections of the company and maintenance departments at many places
concealed the spares. This came to light and three maintenance chiefs were suspended from service. HAMCO
experienced its first strike. The Government of India was forced to nationalize the company since many of
HAMCO‘S products were required for national defence, the public sector airlines, state governments, etc.
HAMCO was made into a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Defence.
The PSU title helped HAMCO and it could dictate the prices to government departments and other PSUs. There
was no competitor to HAMCO within the country. Imports, even when cheaper than the prices of HAMCO, were
not allowed so as to conserve foreign exchange. The turnover and the profitability increased at a fast pace because
HAMCO started offering products on ‗Cost plus‘ basis. Additional capital had to be injected by the government
almost every year to enable the required growth. Steep hike in the prices of the petroleum products, due to sudden
increase in the international prices of the crude oil, changed the scene substantially. Shortly, the government
started feeling the pinch. The funds were just not available. Questions began to be asked about the returns being
obtained from the PSUs where huge investments had been made by the national exchequer. 1-{AMCO became
very vulnerable, since the investments here were very heavy indeed. Finally, performance figures for the year
1986-87 shook the government. These were:
1. Turnover for the year Rs 634.1 crore
2. Profits for the year Rs 5.8 crore
3. Closing Inventory, i.e. at the
end of the year Rs 1346.8 crore
4. Inventory-carrying cost per year 20%
A consultant was engaged by the government to devise ways and means to bring down the inventory. His
important findings for this state of affairs were:
1. The culture of the company from the very beginning had been to keep the scarp and unnecessary items for
possible future use. This afforded some advantage when the company was small and Golakh Nath Shetty
was available, to use many items from the scrap innovatively.
2. The company has grown too fast and had not had time to adjust to the status of multi-product, multilocation
company; a premium institution of the country. The employees still thought like the workers of a
privately owned company.
3. HAMCO had six production divisions, which were responsible for all the manufacturing activity of the
company. Each division was headed by a General Manager or GM. Six Deputy General Managers or
DGMs (or equivalent level) were in charge of different functions of production, marketing, finance,
Administration and HRD, R&D, etc. They all reported to the GM. The divisions reported to the Corporate
Office at Mangalore.
4. There was no single person responsible for materials management function in the company. The con
sultants noted the organizational control of the following sections:
(a) Raw Materials and Scrap Stores, reported to Deputy General Manager Production, DGM-P.
(b) Materials Forecasting and Planning Depts reported to DGM-P
(c) Purchase (including vendor‘s bill payment cell) reported to DGM-Finance.
(d) Inward goods inspection reported to Chief of Quality Assurance.
(e) Transportation reported to DGM-Administration and
(f) Finished Goods Store reported to DGM-Marketing.
(g) Production Planning Group reported to DGM-P
(h) Import Substitution Cell reported to DGM-R&D.
(i) Contract Manager was based at the Corporate Office and reported to the Company Secretary.
The consultant recommended the creation of six posts of Deputy General Manager-Integrated Materials
Management, DGM-IMM; one in each production division. Another post of a General Manager 1MM was
suggested to be set up at the corporate office in India to provide functional guidance to the DGMs being
established in the productions divisions. At the first instant, DGM1MM should control the following
1. Materials Forecasting and Planning.
2. Purchase minus the vendor‘s bills payment cell. The cell will continue to report to DGM-Finance.
3. Raw Materials Stores and Scrap Stores.
4.Finished Goods Stores.
Suitable chief managers from any of the depts, such as production, R&D, purchase and Stores, with a
minimum qualification of an engineering degree could apply to become a DGM-IMM. If selected, they
should undergo a four weeks‘ training programme at the training college of the company before being
promoted and appointed as DGM-IMM at a production division. A GMIMM should be recruited from
outside to bring a fresh approach to the problem. A new stream of managers called materials managers
should be setup. Fresh engineering graduates be recruited and trained for nine months at the company‘s
training college. They be thereafter posted to one of the five departments under the DGM-IMM‘s at the
divisions. After three years of the fieldwork, these materials managers were to be brought back for four
weeks of training. At that stage, these materials managers be posted to production planning or import
substitution cells. These two departments should also be shifted so as to report to DGM-IMM. The
complete flow of materials from forecasting to planning stage onwards till the delivery of the finished
goods to the customers should be controlled by one manager, thereby creating the structure of Integrated
Materials Management. This would mean forecasting, planning, purchase, raw materials stores, flow of
materials through production facilities, finished goods and scrap stores and transportation would be part of
1MM. Vendor‘s bills payment and inwards goods inspection should continue to be under finance and
quality assurance, respectively, so as to have some check on the purchases by independent agencies. A
contract manager should be available to all the production divisions from the corporate office. This was
due to the quantum of workload not justifying an independent manager at each division.
This proposal was presented by the consultant at a meeting of all the directors of the company, general
managers of the six production divisions and a representative of the ministry of defence. The discussions
lasted for eight hours and at times became acrimonious. The main objections to the proposals were:
1. Additional posts were being created, which would add to
overhead costs. Profits were already low, at about. 0.9 per cent and additional costs should be avoided.
2. Shifting of finished goods store away from the marketing department should be avoided. It could
hamper the efficient and quick supply of goods to the customers, especially those located abroad.
3. Transportation also looked after the conveyance for personnel including senior officers‘ cars.
4. This was a theoretical concept and there was no guarantee that it would work in HAMCO and bring
down the inventory pf the company.
5. Shifting away the materials forecasting and planning, stores and production planning groups would
make DGM-P jobless.
The consultant responded by stating that even a 5 per cent reduction in inventory would save more than Rs
13 crore, which is more than double of the current level of profits. DGM-IMM would be head of a
function and a company employee. They can be given targets like all other managers and their
performance could be monitored. DGM-P would be responsible for production by maintaining and
operating all the production facilities at optimum efficiency. Finally, the proposal was accepted after some
arm twisting by the government representative. GM-IMM, 6 DGMs-IMM and 30 fresh engineering
graduates were recruited. Syllabi for the four weeks‘ training programme and nine months‘ course for the
freshers were formulated and training courses started. GM-IMM and DGMs-IMM became effective at
their posts in September 1987. The company set the target of bringing down the inventory by 7.5 per cent
by 31 March 1988.
Q.1) Discuss the merits of the proposal of introducing the concept of IMM in HAMCO. Would you agree
that the apprehensions of the participants at the meeting were correct? Do you feel that the introduction of
IMM would achieve the target of 7.5 per cent of inventory reduction in six months? Give reasons to justify
your opinion.
Case 7 (10 Marks)
Decentralized Materials Department:
The Libra Corporation has four divisions at a location. Each division manufactures different product like washing
machines, refrigerators, TV sets and control panels.
There are different purchase departments and stores for each of the product line since these businesses have
grown sufficiently. However company has intentions to keep good homogeneity in the four divisions and
maintain a centralized materials department. Mr. Ranade heads this department. Mainly company expects him to
spearhead the activities, rules and regulations relating to the four materials departments. Mr. Ranade has common
activities under his command. These are planning/ budgeting, Standardization/codification, planning common
items like maintenance items and hardware items, etc. Mr. Ramanujam is looking after the planning of commonly
required items. This department is coordinating needs of the four divisions. Mr. Ramanujam got the requirement
of the hardware item a screw, M8 x 40 mm long, from the four divisions as follows:
Planner Product Quantity
Washing machine
TV sets
Control Panels
Total 3,68,000
Mr. Ramanujam took action and planned for total quantity of 36800l numbers. This quantity has to be procured in
4 lots since the lead-timer for this screw is of the order of 4 wks. Each time he gets quantity of bout 90,000
numbers in the stocks and he rests happily in his chair.
The requirement of the washing machine by marketing department was doubled. One fine morning planner
Mr.Varma drew extra quantity of 5t000 numbers due to production change. There was no feeling of any error
from the side of Mr. Varma. He thought this I a hardware item and big stocks are in the stores.
This brought all the planners in trouble, when the stocks went down. Mr. Ramanujam came to know about the
shortage of the item when Mr.Ranade called him. They came to know the real problem. About the common
required items this was their experience. At times some one else draws the item for some need at their place,
which do not use the item regularly, thinking that it is hardware item there is no problem to draw it. In their daytoday
business no one feels that they must draw any item only when they have planned for it.
Mr. Ranade and Mr. Ramanujam had been facing this type of problem in past. The reasons as are follows.
• The item users different than the planner. Their bosses are different, with different goals and commitments.
• The items, which are planned by Ramanujam are of common nature. Many people need them at some or other
• When any one is drawing the item, it is difficult to keep control/ check whether it was planned in the beginning
of the year.
It was decided to find some relief for the problem by following methods.
• The respective planner should see and authorise the material request before it is released to stores. He will verify
the item is planned in the beginning.
Q.1) Discuss with en or to reduce the lead-time to almost to zero level. This can avoid the situation of the stock
Case 8 (10 Marks)
Transport Corporation
CORPORATE SCENARIO Prof. Ganapathy Ram, the managing director of Ganapathy Ram Bus Transport
Corporation, has invited Prof. Gopalakrishnan to study the company‘s operations and identify the problems faced
by the company with a view to suggesting suitable solutions, For this purpose, Gopalakrishnan interviewed the
officials and collected relevant information from files, manuals, records, and press briefings, a summary of which
is presented below.
The central government, realizing that the transport industry should help achieve the laudable national
objectives, enacted the Road Transport Corporation Act in 1950. By this act, each state has been asked to
establish its own road transport corporations as a state government undertaking. The present major objective is to
provide adequate, economic, efficient and well-coordinated transport services to the travelling public and at the
same time ensure that the operations are run on sound commercial lines. Till 1950, the passenger transport
industry was concentrated in the hands of a few private operators, whose only object was to make profit. But the
state transport undertakings have been set up to open up communications and thus contribute to the development
of backward/tribal/hilly regions of the state.
Ganapathy Ram Bus Transport Corporation has a fleet strength of 12,500 buses organized into 15 divisions.
This accounts for about one- tenth of the fleet strength in the entire country. The number of buses in this
corporation has been gradually increased due to availability of financial assistance from the government in the
past. One division caters to the needs of the state capital, with about 2000 buses and each of the remaining
divisions handles about 1000 buses. Over 2000 vehicles are more than eight years old and hence rickety,
dilapidated and scheduled for scrapping; buses have been purchased during the last three years and the remaining
buses have been working between there to eight years.
Half of the fleet consists of Tata diesel vehicles and the other half is from Ashok Leyland. To enable greater
control on operations and inventory, seven divisions operate exclusively with Tata vehicles, leaving remaining for
the other divisions. Each division has been organize into 7 to 10 depots and in all, the corporation has 125 depots
— spread throughout the state. The total route length is about six lakh kilometres and during the last year about
80 crore kilometres have been covered by the buses of the corporation. Complete nationalization of all the buses
in the state is yet to be achieved and this may involve an expenditure of Rs. 30 crores — half of which could be
borrowed from the central and state government organizations and financial institutions, while the balance is to be
found internally within the organization‘s depreciation/reserves fund. The company employs nearly 60,000
persons, which includes 2,000 officers.
Even though the company has two models of vehicles, the manufacturers do not make any advance
commitment of change of models to the road transport corporations. According to the senior officials, the models
are changed by the manufacturers periodically, without caring for customer‘s economies of continuing the
existing models and ensuring the supply of spares for old models. This results in difficulties in standardization
and cost reduction in the organization.
The company‘s board of directors is headed by a part-time chairman. Professor Ganapathy Ram, the vicechairman
and the managing director — a senior Indian police service officer, is the chief executive of the
organization. The board also consists of three full-time directors in charge of operations, finance and personnel.
Besides, four senior officials of the state government and four politicians form the part- time members of the
board. The board gives broad policies in its quarterly meetings. The operations director, is in charge of routing,
traffic, cost control, performance of divisions, purchase, stores, maintenance workshop, safety, civil works,
mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and quality control. The finance director is in charge of money
management, capital investment decisions, account. ing, electronic data processing, financial control, and
strategic planning, source and application of funds, costing and other conventional finance functions. The
personnel director is in charge of selection, recruitment, training, promotion, grievance handling, suggestion
schemes, canteen, administration, labour welfare, union matters, industrial relations, legal aspects, public
relations, etc. The company has a fourth generation computer which is used by all sections. Weekly coordination
meetings are held at different levels in the headquarters, divisions and depots to ensure a smooth working of all
Each division is headed by a general manager and each depot is looked after by a depot manager. All divisional
headquarters and all depots have a workshop and a store each. At the state headquarters, there is a well-equipped
central workshop under the control of a general manager. The general manager, purchase. and stores, in the
headquarters reports to the director operations. The main operations are carried out by divisional general
managers and depot managers and are supported by functional specialists at the headquarters.
According to the managing director, the complexity of the road transport industry stems from the extremely
perishable nature of the final product, namely seat kilometre. It follows, therefore, that the supply and demand
should be perfectly matched, in order to reduce waste, which is to be the goal of the corporation. In order to
ensure that the demand does not go uncatered for, planning the route timings, an economic fleet-utilization and
upkeep of healthy fleet are the major prerequisites for the undertaking‘s success, according to the managing
director. The fleet can be healthy if the materials that go into it are available when required, are of right quality
and at the same time reasonably priced.
The corporation has been making losses, while a few private operators still make substantial profits. The average
earning per kilometre is Rs.-5.80, whereas the expenditure per kilometre, including wages, fuel, tyres, spares,
maintenance, depreciation, interest, etc. is six rupees. The cost of operation has started going up in the recent past,
due to price increases in fuel. Added to the high oil prices, the cost of us bodies, chassis, tyres, and other spares
have registered steady creases, approximately by 100 per cent in the last three years. Trade union activities have
also intensified due to general inflationary conditions, in spite of declining profitability owing to political and
labour pressures, wages have been periodically enhanced and the statutory bonus is being paid. The present wage
of the lowest paid worker is about Rs. 1000 per month.
In order to eliminate the leakages in revenue collections, a five per cent incentive on daily ticket sales is paid to
the bus crew. The social responsibilities, without bothering about the financial viability, that have to be home by
Ganapathy Ram Bus Corporation include the following: (a) concessions to school children, journalists,
politicians, policemen, government employees, handicapped persons and other stipulated categories of persons;
(b) operating loss-making city services and providing connections to rural/tribal/hilly/backward areas; (c)
maintaining the services during monsoon, when volume of traffic is low; (d) purchasing material from small-scale
units located in the state, with high price and low quality.
Increases in the fares to compensate for the higher expenses, however, need the approval of the state government.
When some elections are always around the corner, for fear of political repercussions, the state government has
been reluctant to increase the fares. To make matters worse, the taxes to be paid to the state government have
doubled fi the last five years. During political agitations, particularly in sensitive areas, every year a few buses are
burnt by the infuriated mob. Occasional pilferage—in -diesel and ticket collections has also been report‘d. The
pollution control board has also drawn the corporation‘s attention to the noise and smoke in the buses.
Out of the 35,000 kilometres of the national highways, only 2000 ) kilometres pass through the state and are
maintained excellently by the centre. The state highways and urban roads, even though blacktopped, are full of
pot holes and uneven. Buses also have to pass through roads without black top, feeder roads, kutcha roads linking
villages, etc. which constitute more than 50 per cent, and it will be very difficult to negotiate these roads in the
monsoon season. The culverts on some of the canals are so weak that the buses have to crawl. Due to roadbuilding
repair activity, diversions, which are permanent in nature, are to be used.
The urban passenger pays subsidized fare in the city areas. Similarly, the rural agricultural labour always agitates
whenever slight increases are introduced in the subsidized fare. The urban commuter blames the organization for
not providing shelters, while he waits for the bus. Due to appalling road conditions, heavy overloadings, poor
driving habits, use of spurious spire parts and inadequate skills of maintenance, there are always problems of offroad
vehicles requiring spares for repairs. The depot managers are primarily responsible for meeting the
transportation demand in a geographical area and are usually preoccupied with social/political pressures to
increase the frequency of services, particularly in marriage seasons and summer holidays. Added to this, the
operating staff consists of barely literate workers of agricultural origin who are seldom amenable to proper work
discipline. The threat to industrial peace is never absent.
The finance director, while agreeing with the role played by transportation in the development strategy of the
state, however, has pointed out that the demand will be very low in hilly terrain, forest areas, backward regions
and monsoon seasons, necessitating the fares being heavily subsidized, for economic viability. The poor road
conditions adversely affect the fleet performance. He has also pointed that to build one kilometre of a new pucca
road, it costs the exchequer rupees one crore, and no department in the state is interested in improving the road
The finance director has felt that the continuous loss in the corporation affects the morale of the employees of the
organization. The loss in the major city transport system of the corporation alone works out to about rupees three
lakh per day, whereas the fare revenue contributes only 50 per cent of the operating cost!
Suggestions for using aluminium body or long-lasting, light stainless steel body, realignment of some routes, use
of natural gas instead of fuel oil, etc. have been examined as possible strategies for better. viability, but these
could not be implemented on a commercial scale, The introduction of a split-shift system of working instead of a
continuous eight hour shift in urban areas, also has not brought the desired results and there has been resistance
among the crew, who have been pleading for a reduction in working hours and better standards of living. Further,
the politician members in the board of directors at times interfere with the recruitment o personnel, purchase of
materials, transfer and promotions.
While discussing the strategy, the managing director has often been wondering whether to regroup the activities,
as in TamilNadu, into small road transport corporations of a fleet of 1000 buses each. He has also been toying
with the idea of suggesting to the board to hand over the heavy, uneconomical feeder routes to private parties. He
is also thinking of diversifying to other areas, like freight traffic, manufacture of spares, etc. He is very keen to
develop operational indices for each depot, based on (a) market potential, (b) present market efforts, (c) economic
viability, (d) maintenance/safety, breakdowns, (e) morale of labour, (f) daily kilometre per bus, (g) earnings per
seat, (j) contribution by each bus/route, (i) fleet performance, profitability etc. in order to streamline the overall
effectiveness. The managing director has been thinking of buying some new buses, after scrapping 500 old buses,
which have put in ten years or more of service. He felt a new bus would cost less on maintenance, compared to a
ten year old bus. A new bus would have less frequent breakdowns and would consequently be on the road for a
much longer period than the old bus at a cheaper operational expense. It has also been pointed out that most
private operators find it cheaper and more economical to dispose of buses after six years and replace them with
new vehicles. This provides them with the maximum income, reduced operating costs, a good resale value, less
cost of service and a better public image.
From the economic investment point of view, it is obvious that the capital investment on an asset should, during
its lifetime, earn not only its running expenses, but also its maintenance, repairs, depreciation charges and interest
on the capital. The series of returns which the asset gets during its life must compensate for all those expenditures
and should earn higher than an investor could get at any place. Secondly, these economics have nothing to do
with the efficiency of an asset from the engineering point of view. The price of a new bus is around rupees five
lakh, which can be depreciated in three to four years period. In its effective life, the bus is engaged to earn a
constant net maximum return, after allowing for the relevant cost of operation. After the fifth year, the return
would show a downward trend, when the maintenance and repair cost would increase about two-fold. The bus is
likely to be overhauled after 30 months or after two lakh kilometres. The managing director is keen to raise the
capital needed for buying the buses through public bonds, bank loans, rural credit corporation loans, World Bank
loans, non-suppliers loans from private sector parties, etc.
The State chief minister, while inaugurating a new divisional headquarters of the corporation in the state, has
appealed to the corporation to extend its services to reach all corners of the state. About 70 per cent of the
population of the state lives in villages and about 30 per cent of villages is yet to be connected by bus routes,
according to him. He has further emphasized that the development of backward areas can be expedited only if
punctual, reliable, safe, regular and comfortable bus services could be provided to link all villages adequately., in
a time-bound fashion, particularly before the next elections. The chief minister has also exhorted the corporation
to complete the task of nationalization of buses in the next few years.
The state transport minister and some board members feel that the cause of inefficiency and accumulated losses of
the corporation is lack of commitment, discipline and delegation. He has suggested that the corporation be spilt
into ten independent self-sufficient profit making organizations, following the TamilNadu pattern. The managing
director is conscious of the need for some drastic changes, but feels that the time is not yet ripe for dividing the
corporation into separate entities. He is keen that ways must be found to avert the present crisis. But the minister
for transport wants to gain publicity by a dramatic announcement of splitting the corporation into ten cohesive
units in the last session of the legislature before the next elections.
Over 2000 buses of the corporation are more than eight years old and are scheduled to be scrapped. About 500
buses on the road are more than ten years old. In view of the stringent financial situation, the scrap kilometre limit
has been raised a year ago, from the desirable six lakhs kilomefres to eight lakh kilometres. The old buses
consume more spare parts and give inefficient service. Hence, the challenge to the maintenance staff has been
tremendously increasing, while the burden on maintenance ha doubled because of flogging the bus and no extra
staff has been provided to meet the challenges in main tenance systems. Even the existing staff norms in
maintenance are being scaled down to effect more economy on personnel! Inadequate maintenance has resulted in
cancellations, unpunctuality, and breakdowns in the middle of the road, thereby affecting the image of the
organization. Sometimes, the drivers exceed the prescribed speed limit, resulting in more wear and tear.
A general manager, maintenance, reporting to the operations director is in charge of the overall maintenance and
the central workshop in the headquarters. He is assisted by a group of five maintenance engineers on various
special activities such as mechanical, civil, electrical, etc. These maintenance engineers located at the divisions
periodically visit the depots. Ten mechanics are attached to each depot. All maintenance engineers have been
trained in various plant engineering concepts.
The preventive maintenance system expects the spares to be checked and replaced before they cause breakdown.
The day-to-day maintenance is carried out by fitters and mechanic‘s attached to the depots/divisions. A set of
tools is carried in the bus for rectification of very minor defects. Minor repairs are attended to at the depot level;
for major repairs, the defective assembly/module is replaced by a fresh assembly from stores, or through the
cannibalization of standby buses in the depot/division. The defective assembly is then sent to the central
workshop for rectification. The central workshop has facilities for overhauling, heavy repairs, electrical repair,
heat treatment, tool repair, foundry forgings and reconditioning. After two lakh kilometres or 30 months‘ running,
the engines are completely overhauled in the workshop. The overall maintenance expense works out to Rs. 1.50
per kilometre, half of which is accounted for by spare parts alone. Maintenance job history cards for each bus are
slowly being introduced and there are plans to computerize them in the future. The engineers also admit that the
maintenance function needs improvement, as there had been two major accidents in the recent year.
A few maintenance engineers have complained about the poor after- sales service and that during the guarantee
period by the vehicle manufacturers. The maintenance engineers claim that they spend a lot of time in identifying
the indent status, follow-up, etc. They also complain that due to faulty planning of central purchase, spares
intended for one depot are sent to another. Non-availability of correct quality spares is a common cause for delays
in repairs in depots. Another complaint is that some retired defence personnel and MBAs have joined the
organization. The political members of the board sometimes interfere with recruitment of personnel, transfers,
promotion and purchase of materials.
It is generally said that an aircraft is a combination of spare parts flying in formation — a bus is no less, if
operating on the surface. Almost each part has a life of its own and is affected by the conditions of wear and tear,
unless the defective part is replaced by a new one, it may give way and result in a possible breakdown. The fixed
cost for holding a bus from plying the route, or the stock-out cost, has been estimated as Rs. 5000 per day. This is
the loss if a breakdown results in the non-operation of a bus for a single day. The stock-holding charges, including
storage charges and capital cost, is 30 per cent per annum. Major tyre companies have opened their depots near
the central stores. The ordering cost per order works out to Rs. 750 per order. The total inventory in the
organization, other than fuel is about Rs, 20 lakh, while the annual consumption is about Rs. 50 crore, comprising
25,000 items. Rupees ten crore worth of non-moving items and rejected items worth a similar sum are lying in all
A ten-digit codification has been introduced with the last digit serving as check digit. But according to
materials executives, the maintenance people indent only by part numbers, like V-belts manufactured by Fenner
India Ltd. According to the materials department, the company faces typical spare parts problems as faced in
other organizations. In some categories of spares like piston, thin wall bearing, etc., acute shortage is experienced
due to lack of good manufacturers. The materials officials are not sure as to how much of spares could be
centralized and how much decentralized in the organization. The traditional ABC categorization has been done; A
items with annual consumption of more than rupees one lakh, are kept in the central stores, B items with
consumption above Rs.10,000 in division stores, and C items below Rs. 10,000 in depots. One super A item,
accounts for 20 per cent consumption in the fuel oil, for which arrangements have been made with the Indian Oil
Corporation and one week‘s stock is kept. The stock level of lubricants and tyres are maintained at about one
month‘s level and monitored periodically. The buses also carry tool kit and emergency items on an imprest basis.
It is aimed to have a maximum stock level of three months for A items and six months for all other categories,
including critical items.
The spares which are generally required for the purpose of reconditioning of assemblies, building bus bodies,
etc. are stocked in the central stores, where such activities are carried out. All items pass through the central store
for accounting purposes. The surplus material held by the divisional stores is also sent to the central stores, which
is to be redistributed to the needy divisions in future. The type of maintenance carried out at the depot level is
only to the extent of daily and weekly maintenance, consisting of oiling and greasing, engine oil change, docking
of vehicles and day-to-day service repairs. The spares required for such purposes are kept at the depot level and
the vehicles are serviced after about 10,000 kilometres. At the divisions, replacement of major assemblies like
engine/starter/dynamo! fuel injection pump, 30,000 kilometre docking and reconditioning minor items are taken
up and all necessary spares for the same are maintained at the divisional level. The central workshop does major
repairs like body building/reconditioning, overhauling of vehicle bodies! assemblies/engines/fuel
injections/pumps/starters/dynamos, retreading tyres and adequate spares are maintained there.
In addition to the scheduled preventive maintenance inspection, top overhauling of engines is required to be done,
after 30,000 kilometres for new engines and after 60,000 kilometres for old engines. Vehicles are scrapped only
after 15 years presently, due to the financial constraints. It has not been possible to forecast the exact requirement
of spares in view of non-availability of data. In view of heavy expenses and lack of staff, records on the
consumption of spares vehicle- wise and assembly-wise are not available, and hence it is difficult to estimate the
future consumption of spares. As a result, when purchase is effected on the basis of previous year‘s consumption,
sometimes there is an acute shortage if more spare parts become due for replacement in the following year, and
sometimes there is an excess if fewer parts become due for replacement. The consumption also fluctuates due to
varying quality of spares, as facilities for testing the metallurgical quality of spares is not available in the
Ganapathy Ram Bus Transport is a member of the association of the State Road Transport Undertakings in Delhi
and enters into rate contracts with spare parts manufacturers. The rate contracts are signed after the testing of
samples in the laboratories of the association, and the quality and price are negotiated. Deviations from the rate
are done, only in emergency and crisis situations. As far as possible, preference is given to buying the spares from
the original equipment manufacturers, while taking purchasing decisions. There have been several instances
where the original equipment manufacturer is unable to supply as he has stopped manufacturing the item.
In view of the large number of tyre manufacturers, the corporation has been expecting a good competition in the
tyre industry. But very recently, a cartel was formed, which denies the advantages of competition and has been
dictating terms to bulk buyers, like the Association of State Transport. Further, the local joint sector springs
manufacturing company has been turning out substandard material and is exercising powerful political influence
to palm off its substandard products on the Association of Transport Undertakings. The association, however, has
made representations to allow imports in these two categories of items. The government has constituted a
committee to go into the question of manufacturing, pricing and ready availability of auto spared.
The general manager, materials reporting to the director, operations, is the competent authority of the corporation
for all purchases. There are 10 officers and 20 other category staff in the central purchase. He is also in charge of
the central stores and the central workshop and controls the same with adequate staff. The general manager,
materials has powers of up to rupees one lakh per item, but his authority is subject to the approval of the finance
department. The purchases are mostly by limited tenders and finalized by a committee consisting of user, finance
and purchase. The director, operations has powers of up to rupees one million per order. All capital machinery is
purchased by the hoard. The board also purchases other items within a maximum of rupees one million.
Advertised tenders are resorted to only when necessary. Emergency powers have been given to the field staff in
exceptional cases. Indents are prepared by the stores, divisions, depots and sent to the materials department.
Procedures for indents, budgets, placing orders, lead-time budgets, follow-up, inspection, pre-qualification of
suppliers, etc. have been specified in the materials manual prepared about five years ago. The general manager,
materials constitutes a committee with the other general managers before placing an order. The lead-time of
placing an order is six months and the total lead-time goes up to one year. One month is required for the
preparation of indents and estimates by divisions, one month for consolidating the requirements, four months for
purchase departments‘ activities for placing the order and follow- up and the remaining time for external leadtime.
The depot manager can ratify any expenditure incurred in the purchase of spares parts and their powers extend up
to Rs. 1000 per bus per year. For the divisional manager, this emergency power is Rs. 5000 per bus per year. This
implies that the division can incur an expense of only about rupees five million over and above supplies from the
central materials department, subject to the condition that there is a nil stock certificate from the central stores or
an emergency. However, the divisional managers feel that the materials department is insensitive to the operating
environment and play safe by hiding that local powers have been delegated, primarily to tide over unforeseen
gaps in supply and operational fluctuations. But the line managers feel that the job of the materials department is
to provide
the required quality materials at the right time to the operational units. Resorting to increased local purchase is a
direct reflection on the inefficiency of the materials department. Some of the line managers feel that complete
decentralized purchase will wind up the materials departments. It is the line managers, not the inefficient
materials department, who are questioned for the losses due to non-operation of the fleet. Further, the material
bought by line managers from the open market to meet the crises, is overpriced and of inferior quality. In their
anxiety to put the fleet on the road, they may overlook some procedural aspects, like getting three quotations for
the same item, perhaps from the same typewriter; but they complain that the audit does not take any such lapse
Q.1) Summarize and analyze the above case with reference to the principles of material management?
ARAVIND 09901366442 - 09902787224
The verb Manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle especially a horse), which in turn
derives from the Latin manus (hand). The French word management (later management) influenced the
development in meaning of the English word management in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
Management has to do with power by position, whereas leadership involves power by influence.
Q1) Explain the meaning of Management?
Q2) What are the functions of management?
Q3) Explain one function of management in brief?
Q4) Explain the branches of management towards the end of 20th Century?
A management buyout (MBO) is a form of acquisition where a company‘s existing managers acquire a
large part or all of company.
Management buyouts are similar in all major legal aspects to any other acquisition of a company. The
particular nature of the management buyout lies in the position of the buyers as managers of the
company and the practical consequences that follow from that. In particular, the due diligence process is
likely to be limited as the buyers already have full knowledge of company available to them. The seller
is also unlikely to give any but the most basic warranties to the management, on the basis that the
management know more about the company than the sellers do and therefore the sellers should not have
to warrant the state of company. These are several ways of financing a management buyouts.
Q1) Explain the purpose of Management buyout (MBO)?
Q2) Explain the various ways of financing a management buyouts?
Q3) Give some examples of MBO‘s?
Q4) Explain the objectives for MBO?
Journalism is a discipline of writing. News-oriented journalism is sometimes described as the ―first
rough draft of history‖ (attributed to Pnil Graham) because Journalism often did second important
events, however producing news articles on short deadlines.
While under pressure to be first with their stories, news media organizations usually edit and proofread
their reports prior to publication, adhearing to each organizations standard‘s of accuracy, quality and
style. Many news organizations claim proud traditions of holding Government officials and institutions
accountable to the public, while Media critics have raised questions about holding the press itself
Q1) Distinguish between Electronic media and Press Media in detail?
Q2) What are the types or variations of Journalism?
Q3) Explain the elements of Journalism?
Q4) Explain the professional and ethical standards of Journalism in brief?
Peter Drucker wrote that ―Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business
Enterprise has two and only two – basic functions, Marketing & Innovation. Marketing & Innovation
produce results, all the rest are costs‖.
Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. Marketing is not limited to advertising.
The practice of marketing is almost as old as humanity itself. Marketing methods are informed by many
of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology and all leading economies.
Q1) Define the ‗Marketing‘ concept in detail?
Q2) Explain the two levels of Marketing? (in detail)?
Q3) What are the four ‗P‘ for a marketing plan to be successful?
Q4) Explain assumptions of Transactional Marketing?
The Engineering Department of 12 persons in a small corporation in on a regular 10 Base T Ethernet
Lan Hub with 16 ports. The busy group started complaining because of the slow network
performance. The network was operating at 50% utilization, whereas 30% utilization is acceptable. If
you are the Information Technology Engineer of the corporation and have to resolve the problem
Question :
1) Describe four choices for resolving the problem maintaining the lan as Ethernet Lan.
2) State the advantages of each approach.
3) State the disadvantages of each approach.
4) Give reasoning about the choice you would prefer.
Assume these are two management stations – one SNMP based and the other Corba based. The SNMP
based manager does poll based fault management of a device by sending SNMP requests every 2
minutes. The Corba based NMS fault management is fully push based and the NMS receives a
notification when there is a fault. The size of the SNMP request and response PDUS is 150 bytes and
the size of a CORBA notification is about 400 bytes. During 1 hour these are 20 alarms.
1) Calculate the bandwidth used in both cases.
2) How do you differentiate between both the cases?
WLAN is created as an air interface 802.11 from 802.3 Ethernet interface. BSS comprises a set of
wireless stations controlled by a wireless termination point (WTP) you have set up your home network
using a wireless access point (WAP), which is connected to the Ethernet output of ADSL coming into
your house.
1) What are the two modes of MAC types that the WTP could be configured in?
2) Assume that you have a WIFI AP, how is it configured?
3) Write the SNMP query to use to validate your answer in (2)
4) What is your general understanding about the above.
As a network engineer in a Network Operations Center, you are following up on two trouble tickets.
You do not have a network management system and you have to use the basic network tools to validate
the problem before you can resolve them (i) Please explain what tools you would use in each case and
how it would validate the consumer complaint?
1) Trouble Ticket 100: Customer says that when he receives messages, the message is periodically
missing some characters.
2) Trouble Ticket 101: Customer in Atlanta complaints that when she tried to lag into the system
server, in New York, she gets disconnected with a time out. However, her colleague
in her New York office reports that he is able to access the system.
CASE-1 (16 Marks)
Bloomsday Outfitters produces T-shirts for road races. They need to acquire some new stamping
machines to produce 30,000 good T-shirts per month. Their plant operates 200 hours per month, but
the new machines will be used for T-shirts only 60 percent of the time and the output usually includes
5 percent that are "seconds" and unusable. The stamping operation takes 1 minute per T-shirt, and the
stamping machines are expected to have 90 percent efficiency considering adjustments, changeover of
patterns, and unavoidable downtime. How many stamping machines are required?
CASE-2 (16 Marks)
In the table given below the Distribution Manager is expected to service these DCs as per the demands
placed. If the actual sales after completing week one is as follows, what would be the quantities that
would need amendment as far as Distribution Manager is concerned to service for week two and
After week one the actual sales to Forecasted sales for week one ratio is as under: Mumbai did 80 % of
forecast , Lucknow did 75 % of forecast Kolkata did 60 % of week one forecast Chennai did 125 % of
forecast and Delhi did 150 % of week one forecast
Note : Kolkata will receive transit stocks in week 2 .
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CASE-3 (16 Marks)
After working for 30 years, Ramjee Somjee Dutt opted for VRS and started a courier company and did
very well in the first four years. He was now looking for expansion of his business and decided to
venture into Road transportation business between Chennai and Mumbai and Mumbai and Delhi as he
felt that he could do well on this line. However before taking a final decision he hires your
Management Consultant firm formed by yourself. He has requested you to work out the Price to quote
his clients for these two routes considering the costs involved. He expects to earn a minimum profit of
Rs 1000 per day per truck after meeting all expenses. Your analysis of market conditions tell you the
Vehicle cost Rs 7 lacs Depreciation 15 % Maintenance costs per day Rs 150 Drivers monthly Salary
Rs 5000 : Attendants monthly salary Rs 3000 . Misc expenses Rs 200 per day. Driver allowance is Rs
125 per day and attendant gets Rs 75. Diesel cost per liter is Rs 25 and the vehicle gives an average
mileage of 4 km to a liter. The Financial institutions offer loans at 10 % interest pa, which Ramjee has
been negotiating. It has been observed that on an average the vehicle covers 400 km per day. The
distance between Mumbai to Delhi is 1500 km and Mumbai to Chennai is 1350 km. The driver gets
rest day in Mumbai only for one day after they return from any trip.
CASE-4 (16 Marks)
A company is operating in two unrelated businesses. The first one is making common salt, which is
sold in one-kilogram consumer packs. The second business is making readymade garments. The owner
of the businesses has decided to implement Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) in one of the two
businesses, which is likely to give him greater benefit. Assuming that the current turnover and profits
of both the units are comparable, compare the relative benefits and limitations of Materials
Requirement Planning (MRP) for these two businesses.
CASE-5 (16 Marks)
A Manufacturer of motorcycles buys spark plugs at Rs.15 each. Now he wishes to manufacture the
plugs in his own factory. The estimated cost for the manufacture of spark plugs is around
Rs.50,000=00 and the variable cost comes to Rs.5 per spark plug. The Production Manager advises the
Manufacturer that the factory should go for manufacturing instead of procuring them from the open
List out reasons for the decision of the Production Manager backed up by the necessary data.
Q1) Explain the concept Six Sigma. Bring out the significance of Six Sigma in Quality
Management? (10 Marks)
Q2) Define Project Management and explain its nature and features? (10 Marks)
Q3) What is Process Analysis? Explain the steps in Manufacturing Process Selection
and Design? (10Marks)
Q4) Enumerate and explain the Theory of Constraints? (10 Marks)
Q5) Write short notes (any two) (10 Marks)
a) Inventory Control
b) Operations Scheduling
c) Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning
Q6) Explain the following concept (any two) (10 Marks)
1) Product Design
2) Strategic Capacity Management
3) Lean Productions
Q7) Define Material Requirements Planning. Discuss its various components? (10 Marks)
Q8) What is Supply Chain Strategy? Discuss its characteristics? (10 Marks)
Organization Behavior
1. Define organizational behavior, and organizational structure?
2. What is the difference between a manager and a leader? Do leaders need different skills
to be effective?
3. What is the difference between a group & a team? What are the different types of work
4. How would you define conflict? Distinguish between functional & dysfunctional conflicts
by giving suitable examples?
5. Explain the different types of employee involvement and employee recognition
programs with the help of suitable examples.
6. Select the most appropriate answer of the following: (20, each 2 marks)
1) The groups to which an individual aspires to belong, i.e. the one with which he or she
identifies is called
a) coalitions
b) committees
c) reference groups
d) task groups
2) One small drawback of the five-stage model is that it
a) ignores the organizational context
b) ignores the situational factors
c) ignores the individual attributes
d) ignores the formal structure
3) Individual employees can be converted into team players through
a) appropriate feedback
b) training
c) monitoring
d) demonstration
4) One who tries to bring discipline and order through formal structures, plans and
processes and tries to monitor performance against plans is a
a) leader
b) manager
c) co-ordinator
d) team-player
5) If the followers are able and unwilling, then the leader will have to use the
a) authoritarian style
b) participative style
c) situational style
d) strategic style
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6) According to situational leadership approach, the style that denotes a high-task and a
low-relationship style is
a) selling style
b) delegating style
c) participating style
d) telling style
7) Decision-making heavily depends on the individual
a) understanding
b) creativity
c) perception
d) ability
8) In formal groups and organizations, an individual has maximum access to
a) referent power
b) reward power
c) legitimate power
d) coercive power
9) In an attempt to preserve their perceptions, people tend to
a) resist change violently
b) ignore the change process
c) create bottlenecks for change agents
d) process information selectively
10) The process, which is aimed at seeking change in attitudes, stereotypes and
that groups hold of each other is called
a) Organizational development
b) Inter-group development
c) T-groups
d) Team-building
CASE STUDY -1 (20 Marks)
Introduction: XYZ -An Organizational Perspective
The Pre-OD Scenario: Our Strengths and Areas of Concern
In the years 1990-91 XYZ had grown into the largest Indian HARDWARE company with revenues
of over Rs. 1100 crores and racing towards achieving its vision of being global top ten. As pioneers in
the industry, XYZ‘s strengths included on time delivery, premier position in the industry in terms of
revenues, focus on training programs, quality initiatives, use of good technical tools and procedures
and encouragement of individual excellence in performance.However, XYZ‘s was also, at that point in
time, grappling with a few areas of concern with regard to its operational paradigm.
Mounting revenue pressures: The pressure to retain its strong premier position led the organization to
tend towards short-term revenues, and relatively lesser efforts were being put into medium and longterm
markets and activities (such as products and building up knowledge). Though XYZ‘s built
relationships with individual customers, Relationship Managers largely tended to focus on obtaining
short-term projects – there was lesser investment on aligning to long-term objectives of customers. The
approach, by and large, was of reactive project management and we were yet to espouse the approach
of architecting proactive solutions for the customer.
Selectivity in projects: There was a tangible tension at, XYZ‘s between generating revenues and
organizing strategically, on basis of technology and business areas, impacting selectivity in projects
accepted. Pressures from customers on schedules was resulting in faster delivery and hence,
snowballing into further pressure on future schedules.
Focus on specialization: There was diffusion of expertise and we were yet to focus on building
strategic expertise in individual centers. Employees were rotated across domains and skills in the
interest of learn ability as well as for meeting requirements. In a sense, there was heightened focus on
Voice of the Customer, in comparison to the Voice of Employee.
Efforts on Experimentation & Innovation: The management at XYZ‘s felt that by and large,
employees tended to go straight by the book. Though Dr. De Bono‘s techniques were introduced and
employees trained on these techniques to encourage innovation, there was a need to scale up on
perceived rewards for experimentation.
Rewards and Recognitions: The reward structure at XYZ‘s was, at this point in time, primarily
focused on individual performance and we were yet to explore the institutionalization of team based
rewards at the organizational level.
Inter group co-ordination & knowledge sharing: Sharing of knowledge was very centre-oriented,
and although, informally, best practices spread by interaction and word of mouth, we were yet to
evolve a formal system which would capture these for ease of replication across projects. Multiple
centers and multiple projects within the same centre ended up resolving the same sort of issues,
resulting in avoidable rework.
Branding and PR: Image building endeavors were not yet an area of focus and, in a subtle way, this
affected the sense of pride of employees. Among educational institutions, this meant greater difficulty
in terms of attracting quality talent, which further aggravated stress among the few key performers in
the organization. By the year 2002, management felt the conscious need to bring in changes in our
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approach to the aforementioned areas, in order to align more closely with the customer, business and
market requirements at an organizational level.
1 List the various reasons in Organization xyz , which lead to its development?
2 If the organization had not invested in its employee, would they have developed?
3 Site few examples of Indian companies, similar to XYZ mentioned above?
4 What would have been the drawback of the XYZ Company prior to 1991?
CASE -2 (20 Marks)
The Great US Meltdown: Privatization of Profits, Nationalization of Losses
AIG, Bear Stearns, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae required government bail-outs. Lehmann Brothers has
filed for bankruptcy. Merrill Lynch has been sold. Such grave situation of affairs reflects immense
failures in respect of management, leadership and regulation of these firms. The government, like a
knight-in-shining-armor, comes to the rescue and lends bail-outs worth a trillion dollars to these
companies. Consider the fact that only 12 countries in this world have a GDP more than $ 1 Trillion
and a country of more than 1 Billion joined this elite club only last year. This act of bailing-out using
taxpayer's money has been rightly called "The Bail-out of all Bail-outs". Also this raises serious
questions on the way money has been used to protect private companies, which was supposed to be
used for benefits of the society by large.
These bail-outs would certainly be a bitter pill to swallow for all those who argued that free market
capitalism was the best, and there should be no regulations at all in an unfettered market. And this idea
has been most certainly put to rest in the last few days with the US government curbing short-selling
and offering guarantees to money market mutual funds on 19th of last month, as it attempted to bailout
hundreds of billions of dollars mortgage debts. This follows the bail-out of three financial giants
early last month. The stocks soared in response to these actions. Though this certainly re-affirms the
requirement for regulations, but the question arises as to what extent this marks a shift towards more
It is a fact supported by many leading economists that history suggests that policy makers demand deregulation
during good times and bailing out in a big way at the times of crisis.
The present action does address the short-term problems of liquidity crisis and mid-term problem of
dealing with bad assets, but on the longer term regulatory issue, there is no strategic plan in place and
that is really problematic. What is required is a complete overhaul of present regulations and not just
more regulations. Moreover, the government rushed to rescue these firms without trying many of the
private sector solutions.
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1 Is it fine to privatize profits and nationalize losses, is it right for organizational development ?
2 Was this a result of failure of leadership of these firms?
CASE - 3 (20 Marks)
Tata Cummins Limited (TCL) is a 50-50 joint venture between Tata Motors and Cummins Engine
Co., Inc., USA. Tata Motors is the largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in India, and Cummins
Engine Co. is the largest 200+ HP diesel engine manufacturer in the world. The Joint Venture was
incorporated in October 1993 and commercial production commenced on January 1, 1996.
The vision of TCL is to be widely acknowledged and bench-marked as one of the best companies in
the world. The company, thus, abides by the following core values: -
Care for customers
Obsession for quality
Care deeply about people
Do what's right and not what's convenient
Guarantee product leadership
Responsible citizenship
Relentless improvement
TCL is a QS 9000 company. TCL Jamshedpur boasts of state-of-the-art, fully air-conditioned diesel
engine plant, with a computerized Building Management System for safety and energy conservation.
The plant has five major components manufacturing lines for Cylinder Block, Cylinder Head,
Connecting Rod, Crankshaft & Camshaft, with the best measuring and gauging instruments to assure
Consistent Quality. TCL has very strong systems and IT infrastructure for controlling and facilitating
its operations. To further increase overall efficiency and visibility of information, Oracle Applications
and a web-based Supply Chain Management System have been implemented in June 2000.
The low emission Diesel Engines manufactured by Tata Cummins are for use in a new generation of
Tata Motors Ltd's Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles. The engines conform to EURO-I,
EURO-II & EURO-III standards for emissions. The 78 to 235 Horsepower engines have a high power
to weight ratio and will enable Tata Motors Ltd. access new markets worldwide with its advantage of
emissions, power, oil consumption and durability.
Tata Cummins has a modern manufacturing facility located adjacent to Tata Motors Ltd., designed by
Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo Associates of USA and C. P. Kukreja Associates of Delhi. The unique
plant comprises a fully air-conditioned 182 x 186 m building with pre-cast concrete coffer roofing and
15 x 15 m bays.
The North and South walls are of glazed curtain glass. Features such as a PLC controlled Fire
Detection / Suppression System, Skylights and Building Management System ensures high levels of
Safety and Energy efficiency.
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Organizational Strategy
At Tata Cummins, the organizational strategy is designed by the leadership team which includes the
top management and the department heads. The department goals are then formulated in accordance
with the organizational goals. These goals are reflected in a document called 'Goal-Tree'. The tree also
contains the action plan, the schedule for achieving the goals, and the persons responsible for
achieving them.
As per the Goal-Tree, the three organizational goals for 2005 are: -
Grow Sales to 853 crores
Improve PBIT by 10% over last year and achieve 25% ROANA
Achieve and Sustain the respect of all Stake Holders
The organizational goals are broken down to the strategies. The initiatives for implementing the
strategies are then identified. The responsibility for implementing these initiatives is then assigned to
respective departments. Further, the tentative deadlines are also reflected. The targets are reviewed
1 Do the core values, really influence and have a impact on organizational development ?Explain.
2 Is organizational development depended internally on employees and externally influenced by
customers? Discuss
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Case -4 (20 Marks)
Benchmarking Performance
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the metrics deemed essential to understanding operational
health. Measuring performance allows an organization to objectively determine what is working and
what is not. In addition, by identifying successes, managers can reward and learn from best practices.
"Measurement has the power to focus attention on desired behavior and results," said Gardner.
"People will pay attention when they know their job is being measured, especially if the measurement
is linked to compensation." When targets are set using validated, normalized data, measurement will
support a means to determine operational improvement. Of course, it is critical to tie process
improvement to measures that matter to an organization. In doing so, measures can provide:
Feedback to guide change,
Assessment and baseline information,
A compelling business case,
A diagnostic tool to identify areas for improvement and set priorities, and
A basis for communication (using a consistent definition).
Most measurement occurs at the process level, where the transformation from input (resources applied)
to output (goods and services) takes place. The four main categories of metrics to assess performance
at the process level are:
Cost effectiveness (e.g., $ 6.22 per invoice),
Staff productivity (e.g., 93 invoices processed per FTE),
Process efficiency (e.g., 11.2 percent error rate), and
Cycle time (e.g., processing time of 3.8 days).
Cost Effectiveness
Cost effectiveness measures tell how well companies manage cost. Normalized data usually include
cost per unit, cost as a percentage of revenue, cost as a percentage of total budget, and actual costs
versus budgeted costs. Supporting indicators include cost components as a percentage of total and
disaggregated cost per unit. Examples of measures follow:
Customer service/call centers
o Cost per call (or cost per minute)
o Cost per reported complaint
Finance and accounting
o Cost per invoice
o Cost per remittance
Human resources
o Cost per recruit
o Benefits administration cost per employee
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Staff Productivity
Measuring staff productivity provides insights into how much output each FTE has produced. KPIs
include units of output (e.g., invoices and purchase orders) per FTE and workload (e.g., customers and
general ledger) per FTE. Supporting indicators can focus on factors influencing staff productivity such
as hours of training per FTE and employee tenure. Examples of measures follow:
Customer service/call centers
o Calls per representative
o Resolved complaints per FTE
Finance and accounting
o Invoices processed per accounts payable FTE
o Remittances processed per accounts receivable FTE
Human resources
o Total organization FTE per HR FTE
o Requisitions per recruiter
1) Measurement has the power to focus attention on desired behavior and results," How it leads to
organizational development?
2. Discuss benchmarking techniques, are really helpful for succeeding in I today‘s scenario?
Manpower planning is important aspect. Macro issues concerning factors like national population trends,
educational plans, economic growth rate, overall supply and demand for various categories of manpower will
certainly have an impact on the manpower plans of the enterprise.
These factors impinge on the enterprises plans the manpower planner needs to be aware of their impact. One
of the assumptions made in a less developed country like India, with surplus labour, is that there are large
number of trained manpower available for any specific skill requirement. It is generally not so.
Q1) Define the term ―Manpower Planning‖?
Q2) Discuss ―Manpower Planning makes for different purposes at different level‖?
Q3) Explain some other pay-offs from Manpower Planning to the enterprise?
Q4) Objectives of Manpower Planning. Explain in detail?
The process of selection involves three stages – Recruitment, Selection and Placement. Recruitment refers to
making the vacancies known to potential applicants and thereby generating applications for position. This is
generally done through advertisement in mass media, employment exchange, private employment agencies,
deputation, word of mouth and campus recruitment.
Once these applications are generated, the actual selection begins. The number of methods can be used to
select. These may include application form, selection tests, interviews, business games, physical
examination. Finally the employee‘s are placed in the appropriate positions.
Q1) Define the term ―Word of Mouth‖.
Q2) Define the objective and importance of advertisement in the process of Recruitment?
Q3) Define the term selection in brief.
Q4) Explain the methods of selection?
Open and two way communication ensures survival of the organization. It is means to make members work
together. Formal communication can be downward and upward. Despite its significance communication
can suffer from distortions both intended as well as unconscious. Some of the reasons for distortions are
tendency to evaluate pre-existing attitudes, sterotypes, values and perceptions. Feedback can help improve
the quality of communication. Feedback however should be prompt both positive and negative, focus an
action and behavior instead of individual.
Q1) Distinguish between one way versus two way communication.
Q2) Define the tem formal and informal organizational communication?
Q3) Explain the most common channels available for downward communication in an organization?
Q4) What do you mean by communication filters?
The quality of work life (QWL) research programme, which has been in progress for sometimes now, has
tried to understand human behavior in the work situation in order to enhance productivity job satisfaction
and employee involvement. QWL takes a holistic view of the employee at the work place. The focus has
shifted from time to time. QWL related activities are several but revolve around work restructuring, job
design, participative problem solving, reward systems and work environment.
Q1) What do you understand by the concept of QWL?
Q2) Identify its major activities and concerns?
Q3) Discuss the relevance of QSL in the Indian context?
Q4) ‗Flexible working time arrangement can be an answer to the multifarious roles of the Indian worker‘,Evaluate.
1. Psychological test as selection criteria can at best be a support to the interview process. Please
evaluate. (15 Marks)
2. Retention of employees in the organization starts with a structured and effective induction
program.Please comment. (15 Marks)
3. If you have to hire an HR Manager for your firm,what competencies would you look for?
Please answer in terms of your understanding of the HR function. (15 Marks)
4. Designing an attractive motivational strategy is the key to making of a high performance driven
organization. (15 Marks)
5. Briefly explain (Any two):
a) Different type of employee appraisals and rating
b) Validity / reliability
c) Job analysis
d) Stress interview (20 Marks)
1. a) What are the steps involved in planning?
b) How you make planning effective?
2. What is the difference between a policy and a procedure?
3. Explain the advantages and limitations of planning.
4. Explain the strategic planning in the Indian industry. Which are the
planning skills required for better business.
5. a) Define a decision making?
b) Explain common difficulties in decision-making.
6. a) Decision-making is a key part of a manager‘s activities. –
b) What are the steps involved in rational decision-making.
7. a) Explain the individual and group decision-making.
b) Describe advantages and disadvantages of group decisions.
8. a) Draw models of decision-making? b) Explain any two.
International Case : Carrefour — Which Way to Go?
Wal-Mart's biggest global competitor is the big French retailer Carretour, a firm that has hypermarkets, big
stores offering a variety of goods. It has made large investments around the globe in Latin America and China.
But not all is well as competitors taking market share its home market, for instance. There has been even
speculation of a takeover by Wal-Mart or Tesco, an English chain. Mr. Barnard has been ousted after heading
the company for 12 years; he was replaced by Jose Luis Durant who is of German-Spanish descent. Although
the global expansion is cited by some as success, it may be even a big mistake. It withdrew from Japan and
sold 29 hypermarkets in Mexico. Carrefour also had problems competing with Tesco in Slovakia and the
Czech Republic. In Germany, the company faced tough competition from Aldi and Lidle, two successful
discounters. On the other hand, it bought stores in Poland, Italy, Turkey, and opened new stores in China,
South Korea, and Columbia. Carrefour has become more careful in selecting markets. But. the company is
eager to enter the Indian market, but found out in late 2006 that Wal-Mart will do so as well.
In France, where Carrefour is well established, the company made the big mistake in its pricing policy. It
probably started with the 1999 merger with Promodes, the French discount chain. Carrefour confused the
French clientele by losing its low-cost image; whether the image can be changed remains to be seen. Mr.
Durant, the new CEO since 2005, embarked on the new strategy by offering 15 percent new products in its
hypermarkets and 10 percent in its supermarkets. Moreover, he wants to employ more staff, extend the
operating hours in certain hypermarkets, cutting prices, trying small stores, and pushing down decision
making. Mr. Durant aims to stay only in countries where Carrefour is among the top retailers.
1. How should Mr. Durant assess the opportunities in various countries around the world?
2. Should Carrefour adopt Wal-Mart's strategy of "low prices everyday"? What would be the advantage or
disadvantage of such a strategy?
3. How could Carrefour differentiate itself from Wal-Mart?
4. Identify cultures in selected countries that need to be considered in order to be successful?
International Case : Reengineering the Business Process at Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble (P&G), a multinational corporation known for products such as diapers, shampoo, soap, and
toothpaste, was committed to improving value to the customer. Its products were sold through various
channels, such as grocery retailers, wholesalers, mass merchandisers, and club stores. The flow of goods in the
retail grocery channel was from the factory's warehouse to the distributors' warehouses before going to the
grocery stores where customers selected the merchandise from the shelves.
The improvement-driven company was not satisfied with its performance and developed a variety of programs
to improve its service and the efficiency of its operation. One such program was electronic data interchange,
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which provided daily information from the retail stores to P&G. The installation of the system resulted in
better service, reduced inventory levels, and labor-cost savings. Another approach, the continuous
replenishment program, provided additional benefits for P&G as well as for its retailer customers. Eventually,
the entire ordering system was redesigned, with the result of dramatic performance improvements. The
reengineering efforts also required restructuring of the organization. P&G had been known for its brand
management for more than 50 years. But in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the brand management approach
pioneered by the company in the 1930s required rethinking and restructuring. In a drive to improve efficiency
and coordination, several brands were combined with authority and responsibility given to category managers.
Such a manager would determine overall pricing and product policies. Moreover, the category managers had
the authority to withdraw weak brands, thus avoiding conflict between similar brands. They were also held
responsible for the profit of the product category they were managing. The switch to category management
required not only new skills but also a new attitude.
1) The reengineering efforts of P&G focused on the business process system. Do you think other processes,
such as the human system, or other managerial policies need to be considered in a process redesign?
2) What do you think was the reaction of the brand managers, who may have worked under the old system for
many years, when the category management structure was installed?
3) As a consultant, would you have recommended a top-down or a bottom-up approach, or both, to process
redesign and organizational change?
4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
International Case : The Restructuring of Daimler-Benz
In a 1996 address to stockholders and friends of Daimler-Benz, CEO Jurgen Schrempp reviewed the position
of the diversified company. He started by saying "1995 was a dramatic year in the history of Daimler-Benz." It
was also a year that the board of management made a major break with the past.
Daimler-Benz, with more than 300,000 employees worldwide, consisted of four major groups: The first, by far
the biggest and most successful group, was Mercedes-Benz with about 200,000 employees. It is best known
for its passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The second was the AEG Daimler-Benz industries in the
business of rail systems, microelectronics, heavy diesel engines, energy systems technology, and automation.
The third was the Aerospace Group in the business of aircraft (the company has a more than one-third interest
in the Airbus consortium), space systems, defense and civil systems, and propulsion systems. Finally, there
was the Inter Services Group consisting of systemshaus, financial services, insurance brokerage, trading,
marketing services, mobile communications services, and real
estate management.
Daimler-Benz went through various development phases. From 1985 to 1990, it diversified into aerospace and
electrical engineering. The aim was to become an integrated high-tech group. This diversification was further
consolidated in the next phase that extended from 1990 to 1995. Under the leadership of Schrempp, the core
business was redefined and the strategy refocused.
A 1995-96 portfolio review showed the need for refocusing on what the company could do best. Top
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management reevaluated its strategies and its core businesses based on economic criteria and the strategic fit
of the various activities. It became clear that the company's strengths were in car manufacturing, the truck
business, and the railroad sector. Mercedes Benz, for example, had a strong competitive position with its cars
and trucks in Europe, North America, and Latin America. Vans were also relatively strong in Europe, and
buses had a good competitive position in Latin America. Based on this analysis, the strategies for potential
growth were through globalization and the development of new product segments.
In 1996, top management reassessed the company's position and its 1995 unsatisfactory results from its
operations. It was discovered that the company was exposed to currency fluctuations that affected profitability.
The company's image was also blurred because of the ventures into many different kinds of industries. The
management board decided to cut its losses and chart a new direction for the company, with greater emphasis
on profitability. The organization structure was tightened and certain businesses were divested. In fact, policy
decision from an earlier period were reversed. The unprofitable AEG Group and the Dutch aircraft
manufacturer Fokker did not receive financial support. Since both the Dutch government and Daimler-Benz
withdrew support, Fokker filed for bankruptcy. Although these and other drastic decisions helped reduce the
1995 financial losses, the company's goal was not to emphasize maximizing short-term profitability but to
work toward medium- and long-term profitability.
A number of other managerial decisions were made to achieve the ambitious goals of reducing costs and
improving profitability. Employees close to the operations were empowered to make decisions necessary to
carry out their tasks. The organization structure was simplified and decentralized so that organizational units
could respond faster to environmental changes. Moreover, the new organization structure was designed to
promote an entrepreneurial spirit. Control was exercised through a goal-driven, performance-based reward
system. At the same time, the new structure was designed to promote cooperation. In 1997, the board of
management restructured and integrated the Mercedes-Benz Group into Daimler-Benz. Consequently,
Mercedes-Benz's chief, Helmut Werner, who had been given credit for a successful model policy, resigned
from the company.
1) What is your assessment of Daimler-Benz's operations in many different fields?
2) Should the various groups operate autonomously? What kinds of activities should be centralized?
3) Daimler-Benz is best known for its Mercedes-Benz cars. Why do you think Daimler bought AEG in the first
place and why did it venture into the Aerospace and Inter Services businesses?
4) Given the apparent mistakes in acquiring non-automotive businesses, what should Jurgen Schrempp do
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International Case : Global Car Industry
How the Lexus Was Born-and Continued Its Success in the United States, but will Lexus Succeed in Japan?
One of the best examples of global competition is in the car industry. As the Japanese gained market share in
America, U.S. car makers required the Japanese to self-impose quotas on cars exported to the United States.
This encouraged Japanese firms not only to establish their plants in the United States but also to build bigger
and more luxurious cars to compete against the higher-priced U.S. cars- and the expensive European cars such
as the Mercedes and the BMW.
One such Japanese car is the Lexus, by Toyota. This car is aimed at customers who would like to buy a
Mercedes or BMW but cannot afford either. With a sticker price of $35,000, the Lexus is substantially less
expensive than comparable European imports. In 1983, Toyota set out to develop the best car in the worldmeasured
against the Mercedes and the BMW. The aim was to produce a quiet, comfortable, and safe car that
could travel at 150 miles per hour and still avoid the gas guzzler tax imposed on cars getting less than 22.5
miles per gallon. This seemed to be an idea of conflicting goals: cars being fast seemed irreconcilable with
cars being at the same time fuel-efficient. To meet these conflicting goals, each subsystem of the car had to be
carefully scrutinized, improved whenever possible, and integrated with the total design. The first version of the
32-valve V-8 engine did not meet the fuel economy requirement. The engineers applied a problem-solving
technique called "thoroughgoing countermeasures at the source." This means an attempt to improve every
component until the design objectives are achieved. Not only the engine but also the transmission and other
parts underwent close scrutiny to make the car meet U.S. fuel requirements.
Toyota's approach to achieving quality is different from that of German car manufacturers. The latter use
relatively labor-intensive production processes. In contrast, Toyota's advanced manufacturing technology aims
at high quality through automation requiring only a fraction of the work force used by German car makers.
Indeed, this strategy, if successful, may be the secret weapon to gain market share in the luxury car market.
1) Prepare a profile of the potential buyer of the Lexus.
2) What should Mercedes and BMW do to counteract the Japanese threat in the United States and Europe?
3) Why has the Lexus model been very successful in the U.S. but has not been marketed in Japan?
(Suggestion: Review the frequency of repair records of luxury cars. Also talk to Lexus dealers or Lexus
4) Do you think Lexus will succeed in Japan? Why or why not?
ARAVIND 09901366442 - 09902787224
Production Management
Q 1 : Identify the appropriate level of risk for the following items and justify your answer.
(a) Space Shuttle
(b) X-ray machine
(c) Camera
(d) Canned soup
(e) Pencil
(f) Computer keyboard
(g) Chair
(h)Running shoe
(i) Automobile
(j) Fresh vegetables
(k) Child’s toy
(l) Golf club
(m) Baby food
(n) Restaurant food
Q .2 : The bearing department is planning their schedule for the following week. They need an understanding of last week‘s
performance. The schedule called for two 8-hour shifts per day for five days. Downtime charged to production averaged 76 minutes
per day. Downtime charged to maintenance averaged 135 minutes per day. Calculate the actual running time and the percentage of
available time.
Q 3 : (a) Does exponential smoothing track a trend in the demand satisfactorily? What is the reason?
( b) How would forecasting be useful for operations in a BPO unit? What factors may be important for this industry? Discuss
Q.4 : (a) Would a six sigma implementation involve significant financial investment? Discuss
(b) Can total organizational satisfaction be achieved while a company is also aiming for key business results? Is there a conflict
in these two goals? Discuss.
Q.5 : How would have good production & Operations Management Practices averted the terrible Bhopal Gas strategy? Research &
Q.6 : Differentiate between Loading and Scheduling. Is a clear-cut distinction between the two possible under all production
situations? If so where is it possible & where is it not possible?
Q.7: What are the advantages of the HMMS model over the Linear programming model? The HMMS.and other sophisticated models
have not been very popular in practice. What may be the reasons?
Q.8: What is the scope of purchasing activities? Where would you fit purchasing in the materials management function? In the
Organizational structure, where should purchasing be fitted?
(i) in a single plant situation (ii) in a multiple plant situation
Q.9: Some say that we need a ―national level job evaluation‖ in India. Can you envisage the issues involved? Is it possible to do such a
national level exercise? How would you proceed in this regard?
Q.10 :How can work study be used for arriving at (i) Manufacturing Budget (ii) Production Plan (iii) Personnel Policies (iv) Materials
Planning? Explain.
Production Management
Plant Location Analysis
A chemical manufacturing company has three options to select the location for a new factory. The
costs associated with various factors for the locations are:
Rupees in lacs
Cost element Site X Site Y Site Z
1 Land Development 1000 980 560
2 Building construction 6000 585 580
3 Labour Charges 2250 2000 2000
4 Power generation &
35 39 42
5 Water charges 50 65 10
6 Raw-material expenses 5005 4900 4200
7 Local taxes Heavy Nil Moderate
8 Transportation
20 15 18
* These charges are on annual basis for the predetermined rate of production.
* Total operating costs could be calculated from the table.
The company also has the following data for further analysis:
(1) It is observed that the cost of living at X,Y and Z is lowest, highest and moderate respectively.
But the community facilities are also of the same level. The company has to take a prudent decision
because most of the employees are currently resident at urban locations.
(2) The housing facilities available at X, Y and Z are rated poor‘, ‗good‘ and ‗better‘ respectively. In
fact the availability of these facilities is equally good at all places.
(3) The climatic conditions are better at Y, X is comparatively very hot during the day and Z has very
high humidity. The materials need a dry and cool climate for protection.
Q.1) Suggest the best decision?
CASE-2 (20 Marks)
CAD/CAM Application: Case Study of BMW AG
BMW AG had about 44,000 employees and a turnover of DM 11,480 million in 1983. CAD/CAM
are used in both the automobile and motorcycle businesses. The major objectives behind the initial
decision to invest in CAD/CAM were to reduce the overall design and development time cycle, to
increase productivity by integrating previously independent phases of this cycle, and to optimize
design. The first CAD/CAM system was in place in 1978, with 20 workstations, and by the end of
1985, about 200 CAD/CAM workstations had been installed.
The major phases in the design and development cycle of a car are pre-development, concept
development, detailed design, prototype manufacture and testing, design of tools and fixtures for
production, manufacture of these tools and fixtures, planning and quality control, production of the
preserves and finally, series production. Traditionally (i.e. before CAD/CAM was used), each phase
was carried out separately and in sequence, and little work could be carried out on a phase until the
previous phase had been terminated. With CAD/CAM it is possible to increase the overlap of the
design phase and, for example, to pass the data from the first phase to the second before the first
phase has been completed. Similarly, new opportunities arising from the use of 3-D representations
with CAD/CAM allow the designer to carry out stress-, kinematics-, collision- and assembly-analysis
before a prototype has been built. This not only saves time but leads to design optimization.
It is recognized that different application areas have different CAD/CAM requirements. At the time
at which CAD/CAM was introduced, no individual CAD/CAM system met all the requirements. The
solution of a single CAD/CAM system for all applications was rejected as being unproductive. Such
a system would, in general, only have been used in carrying out the most mundane parts of the
design. Had such a system been chosen at that time, it would have been of assistance only in drafting.
This solution would not have met the objectives mentioned above, nor contributed much to the
overall product requirements such as high-quality, high-precision and attractive design. It was
therefore decided that the best possible system for an application (i.e. the system meeting a particular
application‘s requirements as closely as possible) would be applied to that application. This led to the
use of several CAD/CAM systems within the company. Each of these systems was required to meet
the specific requirements of the application for which it was used. The order in which systems have
been installed reflects the benefits expected to arise from their use in a particular application area.
CAD/CAM systems were first installed to support car-body applications as this was the area believed
to offer the highest potential productivity gains. Within this area, the individual activities include
styling, model manufacturing, digitization of models, production of computer-based model drawings,
smoothing of surfaces, model generation by NC milling, tool designing, tool manufacturing (copymilling)
and checking. With CAD/CAM it was found possible to create more body design
alternatives within a reduced time, and to increase the quality of the body.
The systems used for body applications are GILDAS, MEFISTO and STRIM. GILDAS is an inhouse
development for managing the multitude of digitized points produced from models. MEFISTO
is another in-house development. It is a surface-milling system with 5-axes capabilities. STRIM
(from Cisigraph), a surface modeller based on a multiparametric polynomial representation, is used
by the designer to ‗smooth‘ the digitized points to form individual patches of surface. These patches
are then blended together, and modified if necessary, to from an aesthetically pleasing car body
surface. The entire outer body surface is designed using STRIM.
The same system handles many of the inner body parts. Although many of these are not made up of
such complex shapes as the external body, they are often designed using information available in the
external body description (e.g. offset surfaces). The system is also used to design interior fittings and
mountings for parts such as seats and sun visors. It is also used in windscreen design and
manufacture; for example to design a developable windscreen surface to fit the requested windscreen
outline, or to calculate the best shape of the flat glass that will be moulded to produce a nondevelopable
windscreen surface.
Once the use of CAD/CAM had been successfully demonstrated in car-body applications,
CAD/CAM systems were implemented for other applications. In 1979, CABLOS (from AGS) was
implemented for schematic diagrams and layouts. In 1980, CD- 2000 (from Control Data
Corporation) was implemented for the design and drafting of mechanical parts. CADAM (from
Lockheed/IBM) and CATIA were then installed for manufacturing engineering applications such as
design of press tools, casts, fixtures and production machine mechanisms, and for preparation of NC
machine-tool programs. Finally, 1983 saw the development of GRIVAD, a system for circuit design,
electrical wiring layout and electrical-parts-list generation.
BMW purchased CAD/CAM systems wherever possible (i.e. whenever there has been a system
available on the market to meet the requirements of a particular application). In-house developments
were made when a suitable system was not found on the market. Typical in-house developments
have been in linking systems together, and in special car-industry-related applications (e.g.
kinematics-analysis of wheel movements, calculations of visible areas and calculation of the wiped
area on the windscreen).
It was found that the initial acceptance of the CAD/CAM system is decisive for its long-term success.
Another requirement for success is a constructive dialogue between system managers and users, with
the user being able to influence the development of the system positively. Other important
requirements were found to be high stability and availability of the system, transparency to the user
EDP problems, and the possibility of adapting the system to specific requirements of the company
(particularly with respect to data inferences, data protection and special applications).
BMW found that the use of CAD/CAM led to saving in time, lower costs, higher flexibility, and
increased product quality. It also offered, in some cases, the possibility of carrying out tests that were
just not possible before the introduction of CAD/CAM. Reduction of time cycles is particularly
appreciated partly because it offers the possibility of creating alternative designs within a given time
period, and partly because it offers, for example, at an early stage of styling and design, the chance to
reduce the lead times. Quality improvement both produces a better product and results in a reduction
of harmonizing and modification work at later stages of the manufacturing process.
The period 1979 to 1984 is seen as a highly successful one in which productivity in several
application areas was increased by the introduction and use of specific CAD/CAM systems meeting
specific application requirements. Since 1983, BMW has been preparing for a new phase of
CAD/CAM development in which further productivity gains can be attained by increasing the
integration between systems. One major requirement is to improve the transfer of CAD/CAM data
both between applications and with sub-contractors. An in-house development, CADNET uses IGES
and VDA formats. BMW is also co-operating with other companies (e.g., on an Esprit project), to
attain a unique data interface between systems. Whereas the initial period of CAD/CAM use led to
success in specific application areas, productivity gains in the next phase will come both from full
integration of systems within the same development phase and from integrating different
development phases.
CAD/CAM at BMW is not seen as an isolated technique, but as a major component of CIM. It is
therefore developed in conjunction with production automation (NC machine tools, robots, etc.) and
communication techniques for improved technical administrative logistics (including process
planning and engineering data management).
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
CASE-3 (20 Marks)
Manpower Planning at Mylin
Mylin is a private limited company in Pune, specializing in switch gear manufacturing and has over
1500 employees. The company manufactures a large number of electrical products to rigid
specifications, under collaborations with many renowned manufacturers from England, West
Germany, France and Switzerland. Important products manufactured by the company include
starters, contactors, circuit breakers, switches and switch gears. The company has two Units, one
situated inside the city and another in an industrial suburb. It is an expanding organization.
Mylin has a matrix organization structure which is shown in Fig. 1. The structure at the middle
management level is neat and well designed, thus affording a close control over the operations.
The firm has steadily grown over the years, from 1980 to 1991 and particularly from 1985 onwards,
as can be seen from Fig. 2.
During the lean period from 1981 to 1985 in which the sales of the company steadily fell, Mylin
hired the services of a consultant (in 1982) to make a corporate plan and a manpower plan for the
company (Table 10.1). As such, Mylin adjusted its manpower and went on performing well starting
from 1985. In 1992, the management decided to plan for a third unit and was reviewing its human
resources. It was found that a large number of highly skilled workers would be retiring in the mid
nineties and therefore, there was a need to review the manpower of the company.
The Chairman, Gopalan, called a meeting of the senior executives of the company to discuss the
issues. He said that the skilled workers were their greatest asset. It was because Mylin had a large
number of skilled workers that it had managed to pull through during and after the recession and now
they were back on their legs and were poised for a good growth. He said that at a time when they
were planning expansion of their facilities and diversifying the products, the importance of skilled
workers became even greater. But, he said that according to the personnel officer Sastry, in a decade
the company could lose most of the stock of skill, it had at present, as usually, after a year or two a
good proportion of new incumbents left their organization and joined the public! private sector
giants. It is necessary therefore, for them to find out why this happened, remedy it and plan for
generating a manpower with sufficient skill to take over from the veterans who would he retiring in
large numbers in 95’. He asked Parate, the industrial engineer to develop a long range plan for
manpower and suggest policies for maintaining a healthy human resource in the organization. He
also requested all the senior executives, to help him in his efforts in whatever way they could.
Table 1 : Employees Strength Fixed Assets and Sales of Mylin
Year Employees
strength Fixed assets (Rupees,
in million)
1980 968 2,714,581 20.83
1981 1183 3,677,303 23.89
1982 1260 5,067,835 22.67
1983 1247 4,906,531 22.35
1984 1263 4,753,644 22.81
1985 1359 4,769,169 20.52
1986 1458 4,947,088 24.71
1987 1515 5,143,585 31.77
1988 1524 5,318,212 36.82
1989 1692 5,603,325 46.52
1990 1799 6,568,049 55.22
1991 1692 10,795,067 54.47
Parate, the industrial engineer collected the following information on manpower planning at Mylin.
The company did not have a separate manpower planning group. This function was carried out by the
personnel officer with the help of the divisions. The company decided its short range manpower
requirements depending upon the demand for the products and made shop side adjustments to deal
with fluctuations. It decided the manpower level product wise and service wise using industrial
engineering techniques, and then, integrated it on the basis of experience and judgement. To prepare
the long range forecast, the company used statistical methods, five year plans and forecasts of Indian
electrical manufacturing association.
In respect of supervisory, technical and managerial manpower, the company seemed to prefer to
follow the policy of replacement of retiring, or dead or leaving personnel and was guided in this
respect by the sanctioned positions which were communicated from time to time by the top
management of the company.
Recruitment was done by open advertisement. The company had a well equipped Training
Department to train apprentices, engineers and technical trainees. Promotions were from within the
organization, based on merit rating and performance appraisal. The company used all modern
methods to acquaint the employees with current industrial practices. These included:
1. Demonstrations/lectures by competent authorities arranged in the factory.
2. Deputation of‘ employees to various lectures/seminars/training courses arranged by many
professional bodies like National Productivity Council (NPC).
Manpower Data
Parate further collected the following data (given as tables in the appendices):
1. Employees strength for the previous 14 years (Table).
2. Labour turnover figures (workmen) for the previous four years (Table A 10.2).
3. Codes of labour skill categories (Table A 10.3).
4. Workmen statistics as per wage scale in the city unit (Table A 10.4).
5. Age distribution of employees (Table AlO.5).
Manpower Projections
Parate assumed that trends in the past would continue in the future. Workmen and total strength were
predicted for the next four years by the least squares analysis. For this, a straight line relationship, as
given below, was assumed.
y = mx+c (1)
y = workmen strength or total employees strength
x = time (number of years)
m = slope of straight line
c = intercept of straight line on the y-axis.
From the data collected, the results obtained are given in the table below:
Parameters Workmen Total employees
Slope=m 49 79
Intercept = c 558 707
Correlation coefficient 0.9648 0.9699
F value 162 191
Equations predicted for manpower were:
for workmen y = 49.27x + 558 (2)
for employees y = 79.12x + 707 (3)
From the high correlation coefficients, Parate concluded that a high degree of relationship existed
between y and x.
NOTE: As the past data for the previous 14 years was taken into consideration to fit a best straight
line, this line would have n — 2(14 — 2 = 12) degrees of freedom. From the statistical tables, F
value for 12 degrees of freedom should not be less than 10.2 for 95.5 per cent confidence level. F
values for these regression lines are more than 10.2, therefore, it was concluded that the regression
was significant.
These regression lines were extrapolated to get the values of y for the subsequent four years. The
predicted manpower requirements are shown in Table 10.2 (for workmen).
Analysis of Labour Turnover
The industrial engineer, next turned his attention to the analysis of labour turnover in the factory.
Table 2 Predicted Manpower* Requirements at the End of Each Year (as on 31st March).
*All figures are in numbers.
The regression analysis did not take into consideration the movement of employees from one grade
to another, wastage, dismissals, etc. To take the employee mobility into account, labour turnover
figures (workmen) were analyzed by him.
There were 36 trades in the company. For the purpose of analysis, all 36 trades were classified into
eight different classes depending upon their common characteristics (classes C1 to C8). Parate
assumed that workmen in a particular category would be promoted or transferred to different trades
within that category.
The ratios of the number of persons appointed to the total number of persons at the end of a year in
each trade (AlT), and the ratios of the number of persons quitting to the total number of persons at
the end of a year in each trade (Q/T) were computed. Thus for each trade, four values of AlT and
QIT were calculated. The values (AlT, QIT) for each class were grouped in different class widths to
get the frequency distribution.
From the frequency distribution, the mean values of AlT and QIT were calculated for each class by
the formula:
Mean = E(f x x) IE (f)
f = frequency of occurrence
x = mid-value of the class
From the total number of workmen in each class at the end of a year, the proportion of workmen in
each class was computed by the formula:
Time Workmen strength Total employees strength
1992 1297 1864
1993 1346 1973
1994 1395 2072
1995 1445 2132
R= Total workmen in a class (1988 to 1991)
Total workmen strength (1988 to 1991)
This ratio was assumed to be constant over the number of years. The results of all the above
computations are shown in Table 10.3.
From the total workmen strength (1988 to 1991) at the end of a financial year (31st March) and the
total workmen strength (1988 to 1991) at the end of a calendar year (31st December), the average
increase in strength from March to December was computed as follows:
The average of the ratio =
total workmen on 31st December — total workmen on 31st March
total workmen on 31st March
This value was computed for the years 1988 to 1991 as 0.03 or three per cent, i.e.
(4767/4628) – 1 = 0.03 (3%)
Table 3 Proportion of Workmen in Each Class
Ratio R Mean values
(A/T) (Q/T)
1 0.46 0.123 0.122
2 0.025 0.000 0.0786
3 0.0545 0.175 0.265
4 0.0138 0.125 0.0875
5 0.105 0.241 0.204
6 0.0702 0.260 0.127
7 0.185 0.132 0.0955
M 0.0965 0.133 0.10
Therefore, the predicted workmen strength obtained for the period, March 1992 to March 1995 was
increased by three per cent to get the predicted workmen strength at the end of December of each
year (Table 4).
Table 4 Predicted Workmen Strength at the End of Each Year from 1992 to 1995
The predicted total strength was sub-divided to get the strength in each trade/class by multiplying the
total strength with proportions R in Table 3 (see Table 5).
Table 5 Classwise Workmen Strength
Workmen strength
Year ending
Trade classes 1992 1993 1994 1995
Year Workmen strength as on
31st March 31st dec.
1992 1297 1330
1993 1346 1385
1994 1395 1435
1995 1445 1485
1 610 638 660 682
2 33 35 36 37
3 72 75 78 81
4 18 19 20 21
5 140 145 151 156
6 93 97 101 104
7 246 255 124 130
From this, Table 6 was prepared to get the predicted values of A and Q from 1992 to 1995.
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
Case 4 (20 Marks)
Order Promising with ATP
Mitel Corporation, headquartered in Kanata, Ontario, Canada, is an international supplier of
telecommunications equipment and services. Its product lines include business telephone systems,
semiconductors, public switching systems, network enhancement and gateway products, systems
development, and software products. Mitel is active in major growth markets such as computer
telephony integration and emerging technology systems. By combining its products, services, and
knowledge, the company provides solutions to a variety of telecommunication problems for
One of the company‘s products is a telephone, the Superset 430. The dark gray version of the phone
is part number 9116-502-000-NA. The order promising record for this product is shown as Figure
6.11. At the top of the header information is the part number, and product description. Next, data on
stock status and availability are given. The ―Whs‖ is the warehouse where the stock is located. The
―OH‖ is the on-hand balance, which might overstate availability because some product is already
allocated (―Ale‖) for a customer, has been picked (―Opk‖) and is ready to ship to a customer, or is
being inspected for damage (―Dmg‖). The net result is the amount of product available (―Avl‖) for
delivery to customers in the future. The record has a 13-month horizon, of which only 9 weeks are
shown on the screen. The starting availability refers to the beginning of the first week of the record.
The detailed record itself is used to develop the available-to-promise quantities that are used to make
order promises to customers. The record displays nine weeks of information
Figure 1 Order-Promising Record for Mitel
Product Description
9116-502-000-NA Superset 430 Dark Grey
1039 1039
APT Horizon: 13 Starting Avl: 1039
3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 5/3
Unal Ship 2 8 3 188 93
Sch Rcpt
Mfg Rcpt
84 150
Prj OH 1037 1029 1026 838 745 745 829 829 979
Cum B‘log
745 829 829 979
Figure 2 Update of ATP after Booking Order
-Product------------Description------------Extended Description-----------
9116-502-000-NA SUPERSET 430 DARK GREY
DIS 1039 1039
ATP Horizon: 13 Starting Avl: 1039
Week Ending 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26 5/3
Unal Ship 2 8 3 188 93 100
Mfg Rcpt
84 150
Prj OH
1037 1029 1026 838 745 645 729 729 879
Cum B‘log
using the week ending date as the indicator of the week. The row labeled ―Unal Ship‖ (unallocated
shipments) contains the booked customer orders that have not yet been allocated or picked. The
second line shows scheduled receipts (―Sch Rcpt‖), for items for which purchasing is an alternative,
and manufacturing receipts (―Mfg Rcpt‖), which come directly from the master production schedule
and are managed using a different record. The projected on-hand balance (―Prj OH‖) is calculated
from the booked orders directly, since there is no forecast information included in the Mitel orderpromising
record. For instance, the starting availability of 1,039 is reduced by the demand of 2 in the
week of 3/8 to leave a balance of 1,037. Similarly, the demand of 8 in 3/15 further reduces the
balance to 1,029.
The final row on the record totals the cumulative backlog for each week in the future for all
subsequent weeks. For week 3/8 it is the sum of the booked orders for the first five weeks, 294. For
week.3/1 5 it is the sum of the first five weeks minus the first week. Since the last booked order
occurs in week 4/12, that is the last week for which there is a backlog. The ATP row shows that there
are 745 units available to promise up to week 4/19 where an MPS quantity increases the availability.
Another MPS quantity increases the ATP in week 5/3. The ATP amount (745) is just the difference
between the starting availability and the cumulative backlog for the first six weeks. The record says
that up to 745 units can be promised to customers anytime over the next six weeks and that another
84 will be available in seven weeks.
Figure 6.12 shows the results of booking an order for 100 telephones for the week of 4/12. The order
increases the cumulative backlog by 100 units to 394 and reduces the ATP to 645 in the first six
weeks. Salespeople use this record to inform customers when orders can be delivered. The actual
booking of the orders is done formally, however, so there can be no game playing with the quantities.
Once an order has been placed and is booked, the record is immediately updated for all subsequent
order promises. The record is also updated when there is a change in the master production schedule.
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
Case 5 (10 Marks)
Kawasaki, U.S.A.
Kawasaki produces six different types of motorcycles as well as motorized water skis at its U.S.
plant. About 100 different end-product items are manufactured for shipment to the firm‘s distribution
centers. Although demand for products is highly seasonal, workload at the plant is stabilized by
permitting fluctuations in the finished-goods inventory carried at the distribution centers. The
company frequently introduces new product designs that represent styling changes in the product.
The key elements in gaining sales are price, product
Manufacturing Strategy
Manufacturing Manufacturing Planning and Control System
Task Features Master
Narrow Product
Standard Products
High volume per
Seasonal demand
Sales from finished
Goods inventory at
Introduction of new
Changing product mix
Key customer
requirements: Price
Delivery speed
Provide a
with high
batch and line
Short setup
Small batch
Low labor
High material
(low MPC
to forecast
to replenish
JIT-based systems
Kanban containers
JIT flow of
component and
WIP inventory
(through finishedgoods
inventory in
distribution divisions)
Market qualifies:
Basic design and
peripheral design
styling, and product performance. Factors qualifying the firm to compete in the market are quality
and delivery speed. Figure 11 1 summarizes characteristics of the market served by ‗Kawasaki along
with key e4ments of its manufacturing strategy.
Manufacturing‘s task is o produce standardized products in high volume at low cost. Since material
costs are significant, major emphasis is placed on reducing plant inventories using just-in-time
manufacturing methods. The production process is characterized by short setup times and small
production batches using production line and high-volume. batch processes. Standardized assembly
operations and repetitive employee tasks characterize the production process.
All the manufacturing planning and control functions in Figure z 1 are performed a Kawasaki; a
make-to-stock master production scheduling approach is used. Customer orders for end products are
filled from the finished-goods inventory held by the company‘s distribution division. The MPS is
based on forecast information, and mixed model assembly is used in performing final assembly
operations. Substantial emphasis is placed on 1eveling the master production schedule and freezing it
over a three-month planning horizon.
A rate-based material planning approach utilizes a simple planning bill of materials to schedule the
rates of flow for manufactured and purchased components. A JIT shop scheduling system using
kanban containers controls the flow of material between work centers. The JIT system supports lowcost
manufacturing with small plant inventory levels and high-volume material flows. Very few
personnel and minimal transactions are required in 1anning and controlling production activities.
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
Production Management
1. What are the different types of production/operation system? Where would each one of them be
applicable? Give practical examples.
2. What is flexibility in operations function? Can it be one of the strategic weapons? Explain your
3. What is the distinction between accounting profit & economic profit? How is such a distinction linked
with the concept of opportunity cost?
4. What is the difference between the Scanlon & rucker plans?
5. Productivity improvement is not a one shot project Do you agree with this statement? Discuss
6. Is supply chain management a philosophy? Discuss
7. What is the aim of production planning?
8. What is forecasting? Elements of forecasting & Methods of forecasting?
1. Give a detailed description on ―Detailed Project Report‖. Indicate the Pros and Cons of it also.
(10 Marks)
2. What is Project Management Information System? Why is a Project Management Information
System considered to be of immense importance in a project? In designing a Project Management
Information System what parameters are to be spelt out clearly in line with the objectives of the
Project management Information System? (20 Marks)
3. Technology and processes play crucial role in certain projects. What the key issues are in regards
to choice of technology, equipment and processes at the stage of formulation of Detailed Project
(10 Marks)
4. Given the activity mean and Standard Deviation, Find the probability that the project will take
more than 10 weeks to complete. (20 Marks)
Mean Standard Deviation
1 – 2 5 1
2 – 3 4 1
1 - 3 8 1
5. For the following network data ,
(20 Marks)
(a) Identify the Critical Path and its duration
(b) Calculate the total network slack time.
Initial Node
Final Node
Estimated Time(days)
A 1 2 2
B 1 3 3
C 1 4 3
D 2 5 3
E 2 9 3
F 3 5 1
G 3 6 2
H 3 7 3
I 4 7 5
J 4 8 3
K 5 6 3
L 6 9 4
M 7 9 4
N 8 9 3
O 9 10 2
You have been assigned to a project risk team of 5 members. Because this is a first time your
organization has formally set up a risk team for a project, it is hoped that your team will develop
a process that can be used on all future projects. Your first team meeting is next Monday
morning. Each team member has been asked to prepare for the meeting by developing, in as
much detail as possible, an outline that describes how you believe the team should proceed in
handling project risks. Each team member will hand out their proposed outline at the beginning
of the meeting. Your outline should include but not be limited to the Team objectives, process
for handling risk events, Team activities, Team outputs.
Q1) Project risks can be eliminated if the project is carefully planned, Explain?
Q2) What is the difference between avoiding a risk and accepting a risk?
Q3) How you face the Schedule risk?
Q4) Explain the term RBS?
The marketing departments of a bank is developing a new mortgage plan for housing
contractors. Draw a project network given the information below.
Activity Predecessor Time (Weeks)
A None 3
B None 4
C A 2
D C 5
E B 7
F D, E 1
G D 4
H F, G 5
Q1) What is the critical path?
Q2) How many weeks to complete?
Q3) What is the slack for activity F?
Q4) What is the slack for activity G?
Mrs John & her husband, John are planning their dream house. The lot for the house sits high
on a hill with a beautiful view of the Appalachion Mountains. The plans for the house show the
size of the house to be 2,900 square feet. The average price for a lot and house similar to this
one has been $ 120 per square foot. Fortunately, John is a retired plumber and feels he can
save money by installing the plumbing himself. Mrs John feels she can take case of the Interior
The following average cost information is available from a local bank that makes loans to local
contractors and disperses progress payments to contractors when specific tasks are verified as
Q1) Why are accurate estimates critical to effective Project Management?
Q2) What is estimated cost for Mrs John‘s house if they use contractors to complete all of the
24% Excavation & Framing complete
8% Roof and Fireplace complete
3% Wiring roughed in
6% Plumbing roughed in
5% Siding on
17% Windows, insulation, walls, plaster &
garage complete
9% Furnace installed
4% Plumbing fixtures installed
10% Light fixtures installed
6% Carpet & trim installed
4% Interior decorating
4% Floors laid & finished
Q3) Estimate what the cost of the house would be if the Mrs John and Mr ohn use their talents
to do some of the work themselves?
Q4) Do you have any suggestion to Mr & mrs John?
Assume you work for Barbata Electronics. Your Research & Development (R & D) people
believe they have come up with an affordable technology that will double the capacity of existing
MP3 players and uses audio format that is superior to MP3. The project is code named KYSO
(Know Your Socks Off).
Q1) What kind of Project Management structure would you recommend they use for the KYSO
Q2) What information would you like to have to make this recommendation & why?
Q3) What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project. Discuss.
Q4) Define the word ―Project‖ in brief?
Q1) Write short notes (10 Marks)
a) Investment Criteria
b) Generation and Screening of Project Ideas
Q2) Explain briefly the various Considerations in selecting the project? (10 Marks)
Q3) Explain Project Organization Structure. (10 Marks)
Q4) Distinguish between Market Analysis and Demand Analysis? (10 Marks)
Q5) Discuss Project Management and explain Network Techniques for Project
Management? (10 Marks)
Q6) Explain in brief the over view of project planning? (10 Marks)
Q7) Explain major issues in Financing of Projects? (10 Marks)
Q8) What is Risk Analysis and explain in brief Firm Risk and Market Risk? (10 Marks)
No : 1
This is a tragic story, narrated in first person, of an entrepreneur who became bankrupt for no
fault of him, without producing anything, mostly because of the irresponsible political and
government environment. This case study, documented by Bibek Debroy and P.D. Kaushik and
published in Business Today is reproduced here with permission.
In the 1980s, I worked as a chemical analyst for a transnational in Germany, but kept
thinking about shifting to India.
Opportunity knocked when I saw an advertisement by the Uttar Pradesh government
inviting NRI professionals to start a chemical unit in the newly identified Basti Chemical
Industrial Complex. I hail from Lucknow. Hence, this was attractive. I inquired from the Indian
High Commission and was told that there is single window clearance for NRI investors. The
brochure said several things about the benefits – excise and sales tax holiday for five years,
uninterrupted power supply, low rate of interest on loans, and clearance of application within
30 days.
I started the application formalities for a chemical unit. Once the application was
accepted, I requested for long leave from my employers. I also inquired from my relatives in
Lucknow and was told that the Uttar Pradesh government’s intentions are clear, and
developmental work is progressing at fast speed.
Every now and then, I received a letter from the ministry of industry in Uttar Pradesh to
furnish some paper or the other, as part of procedural formalities. After three months, I
received my provisional sanction letter for allotment of land, and term loan. The letter also
stated that within six months, I must take possession of the land, and initiate construction.
Otherwise, the deposited amount (Rs 1 lakh as part of my contribution) will be forfeited. I
resigned from the company, and shifted permanently to India, since my employer turned down
my request for long leave.
On reaching the complex, I was surprised to see that the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial
Development Corporation (UPSIDC) had actually developed the land in terms of markers, and
signboards, compared to what I had seen on my last visit.
Though roads were not fully laid, it was evident that work was in progress. I took
possession of my land and started construction.
Meanwhile, I approached the UPFC for granting me the term loan for ordering the plant
and machinery. The first obstacle came from the Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board (now
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation). The electricity supply to the complex was not yet available.
On inquiring, I was told that the plan had been sanctioned, but required clearance from the
power ministry, before undertaking further work. The approximate time to get grid supply
ranged between four and six months.
The next obstacle came from the Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation (UPFC). It could
release the first instalment after I completed construction till the plinth level. I continued work
with the help of a diesel generating set. It took another month to reach the plinth level.
But before I could request UPFC to release my first instalment, I received a letter from
UPFC that I had to deposit interest against the amount paid to the UPSIDC for land
possession. This was a shock, because interest had to be paid even before anything was
But I had no alternative, because the first insatlment was due. The UPFC promptly
released the first instalment after inspecting the construction. It helped me continue
construction work, and also book for plant and machinery.
Six months went by. Construction was almost complete. I had received three instalments
from the Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation (UPFC). Each time the payment of interest was
due, the required sum was adjusted from the instalment released. If there was any shortfall in
money required for construction, I paid from my own pocket.
But after nine months, my coffers went empty. Machinery suppliers were after me, for
payment. UPFC insisted on interest payments, because this was the last instalment of my term
loan and interest due couldn’t be deducted from future instalments. I borrowed from family and
friends and paid up. Then I received the final instalment from UPFC for plant and machinery,
with another notice that the yearly instalment for the principal was due.
Within two months, machinery was commissioned at the site. But electricity was yet to
reach the complex. In the previous year, I had visited the Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board
(UPSEB) office innumerable times. I also approached the industry association to assist me. But
all my efforts were in vain. This did not help me, or others like me, to get the grid supply.
There were 14 other who were in the same boat. The biggest company of them all –
obviously with contacts at higher levels – arranged for grid supply from the rural feeder. But
that plan also did not take off, because the rural feeder supplied poor quality power for a mere
six hours. A process industry requires 24 hours of uninterrupted electricity supply without load
fluctuations. It is precisely because of this that all 15 of us, who were waiting for electricity, had
insisted on industrial power from UPSEB.
All plans failed. Captive generation was not a viable alternative now. And we continued
to wait for the grid supply. We met the former minister for industry and pleaded our case. He
assured us that he would take up the case with the power ministry.
Meanwhile, I defaulted on interest payment. So did the others. The final blow came in
the Assembly elections, when both the sitting : Member of Legislative Assembly, from Basti,
and the state industrial minister lost their seats. Suddenly, everything – from road construction
work, to the laying of sewer and phone lines – came to a standstill.
Only the police post and the UPSKB rural feeder office remained. The new incumbent in
the industrial ministry hailed from Saharanpur, so the thrust of the ministry changed. Basti
was not on their priority list anymore. After waiting for tow years, UPSEB was not able to
connect the complex with grid supply.
In the end, UPFC initiated recovery action and sealed my unit. Besides, they claimed
that I could not get NRI treatment, with preferential interest rates, because I had permanently
moved to India. Thus, there were also plans to file a case against me on account of misinforming
the corporation. Experts suggested I should file for insolvency if I wanted to avoid going to
prison. This I did in 1994. I spent Rs. 15 lakh from my own pocket.
Now, all that remains of an entrepreneurial dream is a sealed chemical unit in Basti and
a complex legal tangle.
I was better off working for the transnational in Germany. Power does not come out of
the barrel of a gun. A gun’s barrel comes of power, especially when the latter does not exist.
1. Identify and analyse the environmental factors in this case.
2. Who were all responsible for this tragic end?
3. It is right on the part of the government and promotional agencies to woo
entrepreneurs by promising facilities and incentives which they are not sure of
being able to provide?
4. Should there be legislation to compensate entrepreneurs for the loss suffered due to the
irresponsibility of public agencies? What problems are likely to be solved and created
by such legislation?
5. What are the lessons of this case for an entrepreneur and government and
promotional agencies
No : 2
The public sector Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), the major oil refining and marketing
company which was also the canalizing agency for oil imports and the only Indian company I
the Fortune 500, in terms of sales, planned to make a foray in to the foreign market by
acquiring a substantial stake in the Balal Oil field in Iran of the Premier Oil. The project was
estimated to have recoverable oil reserves of about 11 million tonnes and IOC was supposed to
get nearly four million tonnes.
When IOC started talking to the Iranian company for the acquisition in October 1998, oil
prices were at rock bottom ($ 11 per barrel) and most refining companies were closing shop due
to falling margins. Indeed, a number of good oil properties in the Middle East were up for sale.
Using this opportunity, several developing countries ``made a killing by acquiring oil equities
IOC needed Government’s permission to invest abroad. Application by Indian company
for investing abroad is to be scrutinized by a special committee represented by the Reserve
Bank of India and the finance and commerce ministries. By the time the government gave the
clearance for the acquisition in December 1999 (i.e., more than a year after the application was
made), the prices had bounced back to $24 per barrel. And the Elf of France had virtually took
away the deal from under IOC’s nose by acquiring the Premier Oil.
The RBI, which gave IOC the approval for $15 million investment, took more than a year
for clearing the deal because the structure for such investments were not in place, it was
1. Discuss internal, domestic and global environments of business revealed by this
2. Discuss whether it is the domestic or global environment that hinders the
globalization of Indian business.
3. Even if Elf had not acquired Premier Oil, what would have been the impact of the delay
in the clearance on IOC?
4. What would have been the significance of the foreign acquisition to IOC?
5. What are the lessons of this case?
No : 3
Balsara Hygiene Products Ltd., which had some fairly successful household hygiene
products introduced in 1978 a toothpaste, Promise, with clove oil (which has been traditionally
regarded in India as an effective deterrent to tooth decay and tooth ache) as a unique selling
proposition. By 1986 Promise captured a market share of 16 per cent and became the second
largest selling toothpaste brand in India. There was, however, an erosion of its market share
later because of the fighting back of the multinationals. Hindustan Lever’s Close-up gel
appealed to the consumers, particularly to the teens and young, very well and toppled Promise
form the second position.
Supported by the Export Import Bank of India’s Export Marketing Finance (EMF)
programme and development assistance, Balsara entered the Malaysian market with Promise
and another brand of tooth paste, Miswak.
The emphasis on the clove oil ingredient of the Promise evoked good response in
Malaysia too. There was good response to Miswak also in the Muslim dominated Malaysia. Its
promotion highlighted the fact that miswak (Latin Name : Salvadora Persica) was a plant that
had been used for centuries by as a tooth cleaning twig. It had reference in Koran. Quoting from
Faizal-E-Miswak, it was pointed out that prophet Mohammed used ``miswak before sleeping at
night and after awakening.’’ The religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the
findings of scientists all over the world, including Arabic ones, of the antibacterial property of
clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums.
Market intelligence revealed that there was a growing preference in the advanced
counties for nature based products. Balsara tied up with Auromere Imports Inc. (AAII), Los
Angeles. An agency established by American followers of Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher
saint. Eight months of intensive R & D enabled Balsara to develop a tooth paste containing 24
herbal ingredients that would satisfy the required parameter. Auromere was voted as the No. 1
toothpaste in North Eastern USA in a US Health magazine survey in 1991.
The product line was extended by introducing several variants of Auromere. A
saccharine free toothpaste was introduced. It was found that mint and menthol were taboo for
users of homoeopathic medicines. So a product free of such mints was developed. Auromere
Fresh Mint for the young and Auromere Cina Mint containing a combination of cinnamon and
peppermint were also introduced. When the company relaised that Auromere was not doing
well in Germany because of the forming agent used in the product, it introduced a chemical free
variant of the products.
1. Explain the environmental factors which Balsara used to its advantage.
2. What is the strength of AAII to market ayurvedic toothpaste in USA?
No : 4
The Economic Times, 20 October 2000, reported that Reliance Industries entered into a
swap deal for the export and import of 36 cargoes of naphtha over the next six months.
Accordingly, three cargoes of 50,000 tonnes each were to be exported every month from Reliance
Petroleum’s Jamnagar refinery and three cargoes of the same amount were to be imported to
the Reliance Industries’ Hazira facility. The deal was done through Japanese traders
Mitsubishi, Marubeni, ltochu, IdCmitsu and Shell. The export was done at around Arabian Gulf
prices plus $22.
Reliance, needs petrochemical grade naphtha for its Hazira facility which is not being
produced at Jamnagar. Therefore, its cracker at Hazira gets petrochemical grade naphtha from
the international markets in return for Reliance Petroleum selling another grade of naphtha
from its Jamnagar refinery to the international oil trade.
If RIL imports naphtha for Hazira petrochemical plant, the company does not have to
pay the 24 per cent sales tax, which it will have to pay on a local purchase, even if it is from
Reliance Petro. Besides Reliance Petro will also get a 10 per cent duty drawback on its crude
imports if it exports naphtha from the refinery at Jamnagar.
The export of naphtha with Japanese traders is being looked as a coup of Reliance as it
gives the company an entry into the large Japanese market.
Indian refineries have a freight advantage over the Singapore market and can quote
better prices.
1. Examine the internal and external factors behind Reliance’s decision for the swap deal.
2. What environmental changes could make swap deal unattractive in future?
3. Could there be any strategic reason behind the decision to import and export naphtha?
4. Should Reliance import and export naphtha even if it does not provide any profit
No : 5
TELCO opened bookings for different models of its proud small car Indica in late 1998.
The consumer response was overwhelming. Most of the bookings were for the AC models, DLE
and DLX. The DLE model accounted for more than 70 per cent of the bookings.
Telco has planned to commence delivery of the vehicles by early 1999. However, delivery
schedules for the AC models were upset because of some problems on the roll out front.
According to a report in The Economic Times dated 13 March 1999, Telco officials attributed the
delay to non-availability of air conditioning kits.
Subros Ltd. supplies AC kits for the DLE version and Voltes is the vendor for the DLX
version. Incidentally, Subros is also the AC supplier to Maruti Udyog Ltd.
Telco officials alleged that Subros was being pressured by the competitor to delay the
supply of kits. ``If this continues, we will be forced to ask Voltas to supply kits for the DLE
version too,’’ a company official said.
1. Why did Telco land itself in the problem (supply problem in respect of AC kits)?
2. If the allegation about the supplier is right, discuss its implications for the supplier.
3. Evaluate the ethical issues involved in the case. (Also consider the fact Maruti was 50
per cent Government owned.)
No : 6
Product and Gamble (P & G), a global consumer products giant, ``stormed the Japanese
market with American products, American managers, American sales methods and strategies.
The result was disastrous until the company learnt how to adapt products and marketing style
to Japanese culture. P & G which entered the Japanese market in 1973 lost money until 1987,
but by 1991 it became its second largest foreign market.’’
P & G acclaimed as ``the world’s most admired marketing machine’’, entered India,
which has been considered as one of the largest emerging markets, in 1985. It entered the
Indian detergent marketing the early nineties with the Ariel brand through P & G India (in
which it had a 51 percent holding which was raised 65 per cent in January 1993, the remaining
35 per cent being hold by the public). P & G established P & G Home products, a 100 per cent
subsidiary later (1993) and the Ariel was transferred to it. Besides soaps and detergents, P & G
had or introduced later product portfolios like shampoos (Pantene) medical products (Viks
range, Clearasil and Mediker) and personal products (Whisper feminine hygiene products,
pampers diapers and old spice range of men’s toiletries).
The Indian detergent and personal care products market was dominated by Hindustan
Lever Ltd. (HLL). In some segments of the personal care products market the multinational
Johnson & Johnson has had a strong presence. Tata group’s Tomco, which had been in the red
for some time, was sold to Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL). HLL, a subsidiary of P & G’s global
competitor, has been in India for about a century. The take over of Tomco by HLL further
increased its market dominance. In the low priced detergents segment Nirma has established a
very strong presence.
Over the period of about one and a half decades since its entry in India, P & G invested
several thousand crores. However, dissatisfied with its performance in India, it decided to
restructure its operations, which in several respects meant a shrinking of activities – the
manpower was drastically cut, and thousands of stockists were terminated. P & G, however
holds that, it will continue to invest in India. According to Gary Cofer, the country manager, ``it
takes time to build a business category or brand in India. It is possibly an even more demanding
geography than others.’’
China, on the other hand, with business worth several times than in India in less than
12 years, has emerged as a highly promising market for P & G. when the Chinese market was
opened up, P & G was one of the first MNCS to enter. Prior to the liberalisation, Chinese
consumers had to content with shoddy products manufactured by government companies. Per
capita income of China is substantially higher than India’s and the Chinese economy was
growing faster than the Indian. Further, the success of the single child concept in China means
higher disposable income.
Further it is also pointed out that for a global company like P & G, understanding
Chinese culture was far easier since the expat Chinese in the US was not very different from
those back home where as most Indian expats tended to adapt far more to the cultural nuances
of the immigrant country.
One of P & G’s big in India was the compact technology premium detergent brand Ariel.
After an initial show, Ariel, however, failed to generate enough sales – consumers seem to have
gone by the per kilo cost than the cost per wash propagated by the promotion. To start with, P &
G had to import the expensive state-of-the-art ingredients, which attracted heavy customs
duties. The company estimated that it would cost Rs. 60 per kilo for Ariel compared to Rs. 27 for
Surf and Rs. 8 for Nirma. Because of the Rupee devaluation of the early 1990s, the test market
price of Rs. 35 for 500 gms was soon Rs. 41 by the time the product was launched. HLL fought
Ariel back with premium variants of Surf like Surf Excel.
It is pointed out that, ``in hindsight, even P & G managers privately admit that bringing
in the latest compact technology was a big blunder. In the eighties, P & G had taken a huge
beating in one of its most profitable markets, Japan, at the hands of local company Kao.
Knowing the Japanese consumer’s fondness for small things, Kao weaved magic with its newfound
compact technology. For a company that prided itself on technology, the drubbing in
Japan was particularly painful. It was, therefore, decided that compacts would now be the lead
brand for the entire Asia-Pacific region. When P & G launched Ariel in India, it hoped that the
Indian consumer would devise the appropriate benchmarks to evaluate Ariel. As compacts
promised economy of sue, P & G hoped that consumers would buy into the low-cost-per-wash
story. But selling that story through advertising was particularly difficult, especially sine
Indian consumers believed that the washing wasn’t over unless the bar had been used for
scrubbing. Even though Ariel was targeted at consumer with high disposable income, who
represented half the urban population, consumers simply baulked at the outlay.
Thereafter, one thing led to another. Ariel’s strategy of introducing variants was a smart
move to flank Lever at every price point by cleverly using the brand’s halo effect. And by
supporting the brand in mass media and retaining the share of voice. By 1996, it had become
clear that Ariel’s equity as a high-performance detergent had begun to take a beating. Its equity
as a top-of-the-line detergent was getting eroded….Nowhere in P & G’s history had a concept
like Super Soaker been used to gain volumes…. It was decided that Super Soaker would no
longer be supported, nor would Ariel bar be supported in media.
1. Discuss the reasons for the initial failure of P & G in Japan.
2. Where did P & G go wrong (if it did) in the evaluation of the Indian market and its
3. Discuss the reasons for the difference in the performance of P & G in India and China.
The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard
deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is selected at random, what is the probability it will
have a mean life less than 2000 hours?
1) Calculate the probability.
2) In what situation does one need probability theory?
3) Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of
probability theory.
4) What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?
The price P per unit at which a company can sell all that it produces is given by the
function P(x) = 300 — 4x. The cost function is c(x) = 500 + 28x where x is the number
of units produced. Find x so that the profit is maximum.
1) Find the value of x.
2) In using regression analysis for making predictions what are the assumptions
3) What is a simple linear regression model?
4) What is a scatter diagram method?
Mr Sehwag invests Rs 2000 every year with a company, which pays interest at 10% p.a.
He allows his deposit to accumulate at C.I. Find the amount to the credit of the person
at the end of 5th year.
Question :
1) What is the Time Value of Money concept.
2) What do you mean by present value of money?
3) What is the Future Value of money.
4) What the amount to be credited at the end of 5th year.
The cost of fuel in running of an engine is proportional to the square of the speed and is
Rs 48 per hour for speed of 16 kilometers per hour. Other expenses amount to Rs 300
per hour. What is the most economical speed?
1) What is most economical speed?
2) What is a chi-square test?
3) What is sampling and what are its uses.
4) Is there any alternative formula to find the value of Chi-square?
1. What is a linear programming problem? Discuss the scope and role of linear
programming in solving management problems. Discuss and describe the role
of linear programming in managerial decision-making bringing out
limitations, if any.
2. Explain the concept and computational steps of the simplex method for solving
linear programming problems. How would you identify whether an optimal
solution to a problem obtained using simplex algorithm is unique or not?
a) What is the difference between a feasible solution, a basic feasible
solution, and an optimal solution of a linear programming problem?
b) What is the difference between simplex solution procedure for a
`maximization’ and a `minimization’ problem?
c) Using the concept of net contribution, provide an intuitive explanation
of why the criterion for optimality for maximization problem is different
from that of minimization problems.
Outline the steps involved in the simplex algorithm for solving a linear
programming maximization problem. Also define the technical terms used
3. ``Linear programming is one of the most frequently and successfully employed
Operations Research techniques to managerial and business decisions.’’
Elucidate this statement with some examples.
4. Describe the transporation problem and give its mathematical model. Explain,
by taking an illustration, the North-West Corner Rule, the Least Cost Method
and the Vogel’s Approximation Method to obtain the initial feasible solution to
a transportation problem.
Discuss the various methods of finding initial feasible solution of a
transportation problem and state the advantages, disadvantages, and areas of
application for them.
5. What is an assignment problem? It is true to say that it is a special case of the
transportation problem? Explain. How can you formulate an assignment
problem as a standard linear programming problem? Illustrate. What do you
understand by an assignment problem? Give a brief outline for solving it.
6. What are different types of inventories? Explain. What functions does
inventory perform? State the two basic inventory decisions management must
make as they attempt to accomplish the functions of inventory just described
by you.
7. What is queuing theory? What type of questions are sought to be answered in
analyzing a queuing system? Give a general structure of the queuing system
and explain. Illustrate some queuing situations. What is queuing theory? In
what types of problem situations can it be applied successfully? Discuss giving
8. What is a replacement problem? Describe some important replacement
situations and policies. Briefly explain the costs which are relevant to
decisions for replacement of depreciable assets. Illustrate their behaviour and
explain how the optimal time for replacement of an asset can be determined.
9. What kinds of decision-making situations may be analysed using PERT and
CPM techniques? State the major similarities between PERT and CPM. Under
what circumstances is CPM a better technique of project management than
PERT? A construction company has received a contract to build an office
complex. It has frequently engaged itself in constructing such buildings.
Which of the two network techniques, PERT and CPM, should in your opinion,
be employed by the company? Why?
10. Describe the steps involved in the process of decision making. What are payoff
and regret functions? How can entries in a regret table be derived from a
pay-off table?
11. What do you understand by Markov processes? In what areas of management
can they be applied successfully? What do you understand by transition
probabilities? Is the assumption of stationary transition probabilities realistic,
in your opinion? Why or why not?
12. Explain how the probability tree helps to understand the problem of Markov
processes. Explain the method of calculation of ending up in each absorbing
state when a chain beings in a particular transient state. What is
fundamental matrix of Markov chains? What does it calculate?
13. What is simulation? Describe the simulation process. State the major two
reasons for using simulation to solve a problem. What are the advantages and
limitations of simulation? ``When it becomes difficult to use an optimization
technique for solving a problem, one has to resort to simulation’’. Discuss.
``Simulation is typically the process of carrying out sampling experiments on
the models of the system rather than the system itself.’’ Elucidate this
statement by taking some examples.
14. A company has three offers for its existing equipment in one of the divisions.
The first buyer is willing to pay Rs. 50,000 at the end of 8 years’ period. The
second buyer offers Rs. 39,000—consisting of an immediate payment of Rs.
14,000 and Rs. 25,000 after 6 years. The third buyer agrees to buy the
equipment for Rs. 29,000 payable right away. Which is the best offer for the
company if it can earn an interest @ 8% per annum on the money received?
15. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative techniques of
forecasting. When is a qualitative model appropriate? Briefly discuss the
Delphi method of making forecasts.
16. a) How do you distinguish between resource leveling and resource
allocation problems? State and explain an algorithm for resource
b) Explain the following as they are used in PERT/CPM
(i) Beta distribution, and (ii) Budget over-run.
17. The following table gives data on normal time and cost, and crash time and
cost for a project.
`Duration (Weeks) Total Cost (Rs)
Normal Crash Normal Crash
1 – 2 3 2 300 450
2 – 3 3 3 75 75
2 – 4 5 3 200 300
2 – 5 4 4 120 120
3 – 4 4 1 100 190
4 – 6 3 2 90 130
5 – 6 3 1 60 110
i) Draw the network and find out the critical path and the normal project
ii) Find out the total float associated with each activity.
iii) If the indirect costs are Rs. 100 per week, find out the optimum duration by
crashing and the corresponding project costs.
iv) With the crash duration indicated, what would be the minimum crash
duration possible, ignoring indirect costs?
18. What is a `game’ in game theory? What are the properties of a game? Explain
the ``best strategy’’ on the basis of minimax criterion of optimality. Describe
the maximin and minimax principles of game theory.
19. Explain the steps involved in solution to dynamic programming problems.
Explain the following in the context of dynamic programming:
(a) Stages
(b) States
(c) Pay-off function
(d) Recursive relationship
20. A political campaign for election to the parliament is entering its final stage
and pre-poll surveys are medicating a very close contest in a certain
constituency. One of the candidates in the constituency has sufficient funds to
give five full-page advertisements in four different areas. Based on the polling
information, an estimate has been made of the approximate number (in
thousands) of additional votes that can be polled in different areas. This is
shown below.
No. of Area
Commercial Ads A B C D
1 9 13 11 7
2 15 17 1 15
3 1 21 23 25
4 25 23 21 29
5 31 25 27 33
Using dynamic programming, determine how the five commercial ads be
distributed between the four areas so as to maximize the estimated number of
ARAVIND 09901366442 - 09902787224
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